046. Fixing

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~ Gracia's POV ~

It's been two weeks since summer. Still haven't spoken to Serena. We're just avoiding each other at this point. Anyways, enough about her. I'm spending my day with Chase. He called yesterday complaining about how we don't spend time with each other anymore.

He said we were going to a cafe he loves going to. I love cafes so I couldn't past that up. It's about 2:30pm and he's picking me up at approximately 2:50pm, as he told me. I sighed and got up, looking to see what I can wear.

 I sighed and got up, looking to see what I can wear

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

(^^^ Gracia's outfit ^^^)

After getting dressed, I walked downstairs so I could be here when Chase comes. Soon, there's honking. Little footsteps come downstairs and a small figure hugs my legs. "Are you leaving?" She asks.

"I'm hanging with Chase for a bit." I tell her.

She pokes out her bottom lip in a pout. "Can I go?" She asks. "Please, Auntie Gigi, please?"

I chuckle. "Let's ask Chase when he gets in, huh?" I say and she smiles and nods.

Chase just opens the door and smiles. He hugs me and I hug him back. "Hi, Chase!" Chloe waves. She hugs his legs.

"Hey little one." He picks her up. She loves getting picked up and held, that's for sure. "You doing alright?" He asks her.

"Yes." She says. "Can I hang with you and Auntie Gigi too?" She asks. She pouts her lips out like she did with me.

He kisses her cheek. "Not today, Coco but I'll bring you candy and a toy." He says.

She smiles. "Ok! Have fun." She says. I hug her one last time and Chase and I walk out.

We drove to the cafe I had went to a couple of weeks ago with Gwen. I had already ate before I left so I just ordered and cold lemonade. "So, how have you been?" Chase asks, taking a bite out of his ham and cheese melt.

I drink my lemonade. "I've been good. Spending time with Ash and my family." I reply.

He nods. "That's what's up." He says. "Have you, by any chance, spoken to Rena?"

I sigh. "No. Why should I? She's hurt me." I tell him. What I'm saying might sound selfish but Serena and I have been best friends literally for months. What hurts is that she accused me of being a fake friend.

He sighs. "Friends have their arguments. Just like couples. But you shouldn't let it come in between your friendship." He says. "Look, she's really sorry. She is and she wants to talk to you."

The Nerd and The BullyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ