•games & getting-even•

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j. potter's POV

"Prongs after the match  I gotta tell you something." Sirius said putting on gloves and we waited for the match to start.

"Ladies and Gentlemen- boys and girls please welcome the Slytherin Quidditch team to the stands!" Molly said over the microphone and beside the anger radiating off of my team, I was wondering why Diana had been avoiding me.

"Captain and Beater, Diana Diggory!" Molly called out and Diana came into position with a flip and spin trick on her broom. Waving two fingers from her forehead as if she were saluting someone to the audience.

"Chasers; Marius Pucey, Nathaniel Nott, and Finneas Flint." Molly said and I could hear the snarls coming from Gideon and Fabian's directions. But the three of them did make an entrance by coming in with a braiding pattern on their brooms.

"Beater, Severus Snape." No, she wouldn't. Diana wouldn't. If she had any respect for me at all then she wouldn't of used him as Malfoy's replacement. That bitch. Oh game on today, Diana. Game fucking on.

"Keeper, Vincent Montague." Molly announced and Remus tapped my shoulder. "Switch me with Gideon today." And I said, "As long as you rip him apart." I spoke and I didn't really hope if he did literally.

"And Seeker, Regulus Black!" Molly said and Sirius whispered in my ear. "I'll take Frankie's spot just put the cheater in my place." And I nodded. Today was the day that hell would let be let loose.

"Now for the team with my Bias, Welcome Gryffindor to the stands!" Molly said and gave me a nod. "Captain and Chaser, James Potter!" She yelled and I zoomed to my spot facing Diana. And I smirked, knowing the next name to be called.

"Chasers; Remus Lupin and Liam Mclaggen!" Molly said and Diana's face faltered from anger to sadness. But then back to anger as her eyes fell to my lips.

"Beaters, my brothers; Gideon and Fabian Prewitt!" Molly yelled and they gained many moans and yells from the girls in the stands. "Keeper, Peter Petigrew!" Was yelled out and I saw Nott's face curl into a twisted smirk. Shit today's gonna be a bloodbath.

"And last but not least, Seeker- Sirius Black!" Molly yelled and as he flew out the game buzzer went off signaling this was it. Nott, Pucey, and Flint made it down the field in the blink of an eye. But Gideon and Peter certainly had their way with bludgers as well.

I looked in the center of the field to see Sirius and Regulus shoving each other, reaching for the snitch. And upon closer look. Remus and Diana fighting. I never thought I'd see this day but then it got to far.

Remus had shoved Diana which led to Vincent punching Remus. I made my way over and soon Snape punched me. I noticed that everyone had broken out into a fight. Diana had somehow managed to punch Liam but Liam punched her back. Her lip was split but her didn't stop.

It seemed as though the blood made her lose herself more and she smiled as she hit him, and hit him and hit him. On the sand was Sirius and Regulus pounding the shit out of each other. Pucey and Flint we're together fighting the Prewitts but what shocked me most was Peter not showing restraint against Nott and making him bleed but as Snape came after me he fell off his broom because I dodged him and then we were all immobilized.

"Your teams will both be disqualified from this year's quidditch house cup! Slytherins report to your locker room, Gryffindors to the infirmary where you'll both be treated and lectured by your head houses!" Madam hooch screamed. And once I was on the ground Diana yelled after me, "James what the bloody hell!" And I didn't turn around, I kept walking.

"Don't walk away from me, you bitch." Diana said as I walked into the locker room and she followed slamming the door. She locked it behind her and crossed her Arms. "Bloody hell do you want from me, Diana?!" I turned around and asked her but all my eyes could see was her busted lip.

"Mclaggen?! Really? Are you kidding me?! You know what he did to me!" She yelled and pointed her fingers at me, talking with her hands as she screamed. "Snape! Diana you picked fucking Snape!" I yelled back her and she bit her lip, "We both know what took more pride out of me then anything it could have done to you!" She yelled.

"I'm sorry it was hard for YOU, ok? I'm sorry you had to play with the person who made me feel inferior for the first and only times of my life, diana. I'm really sorry that your Pride is hurting." I said and she slapped me. "Don't you fucking dare speak to me like that. We both know what Liam did was worse." She spoke and had tears in her eyes.

But all I could do was look at the girl I loved in physical pain and emotional distress and know I was to blame for most of not all of it.

"So why the fuck would you do that?!" She asked me coming closer to me. "What?! Do what I had to do for something I love?! Like you didn't do that too?!" I yelled back to her and saw the blood slightly drip down her chin from her spilt chin.

"Your right, I shouldn't be surprised. You love quidditch more then anything!" She yelled back to me crossing her previously dramatic arms. "I love you more then anything!" I screamed at her, backing her into a wall of lockers. And her face softened.

"w-what?" She asked softly. "You bloody heard me, Diana." I said to her and she looked down at her feet. "I don't expect to say anything, ok? I know I messed up my shot today but I'm sorry I hurt you-" I tried to say but her cut me off with a kiss.

It wasn't like any kiss we'd shared before as we held nothing back and had nothing holding us against each other. Her hands went directly to my hair and she pulled me closer to her, griping me tight and I pulled her closer to me by her hips.

But my desperate pleas to keep kissing her were trawled when she pulled away. "I'm sorry too." She spoke and after looking at her for a while as she said that, I placed my lips back on hers roughly.

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