•moon & marriage•

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d.diggory's POV

I never realized when my best friends were no longer my best friends. I talked to Marlene and Lily every day but not at all how I used to. And the lying nearly killed me. I had come into the great hall for dinner, walking with James after talking in the astronomy tower in a very comfortable silence. But that thought had struck out to me.

What had changed- what had gone wrong in the future for me to consider James Potter a close friend. So as we parted in separate directions When I sat down at dinner I was next to Regulus, I knew that it would be because he wouldn't interrogate me.

"How's Marlene?" I asked him quietly and a smile was instantly brought to his face. "Good. She's good. Um how's my brother?" Regulus asked me in a more solemn return. His face had shifted into this scowl of what was the definition of disgust, resentment, and sadness. He missed his brother and he felt completely abandoned.

"Sirius is good, he really misses you." I said and he cleared his throat, "How's Potter and friends?" Sirius turned to me smiling. "Oh god I thought you were the one who wasn't going to interrogate me." I said and fake laughed as I drank from my goblet. "Oh I won't that's what they are for." Regulus said and then Nathaniel, Marius, Finneas, Lucius, and Vincent turned around to face us.

"Are you gonna act like Potter did give you the best kiss of your life at my ball?" Lucius said leaning towards me with his arms crossed. "So when's the wedding?" Marius asked. "And don't say there isn't one because your mother didn't look upset enough to set you up with one of us." Vincent said. "And yes we know it isn't one of us so just go on and bloody speak woman." Nathaniel said and they all nodded their heads.

"I'm not set to marry anyone my mother planned an ultimatum." I said. "Who are the two guys or how ever many suitors you have?" Finneas asked. "Potter, who let's be honest will probably end up marrying Evans if Severus doesn't grow a pair-" Snape interrupted and said, "I heard that." And I continued. "And um possibly professor- or I mean tom Riddle but we're sworn to secrecy." I said and Lucius looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"My father's best friend is your runner up?" Lucius asked and the rest of the boys nodded their heads. "According to my mother it was supposed to be Regulus' brother but I messed that up with causing a scene." I said covering up the real reason.

"We won't tell anyone especially since you have a way to torture us and ruin our sex lives so tell us, how was it kissing lover boy?" Nathaniel asked. "Oh did your foot pop and did you melt into his arms?" Finneas asked, Marius and Vincent wrapped their arms around each other whilst making kissing noises. "Oh tell me is he the man of you dreams?" Lucius egged on.

"Well I've got to say you have a type for over confident gryffindor gits." Regulus said and now I can say the thing that made my current biggest regret worth happening, "At least I can guarantee Marlene that your brother is packing a few more inches than you if you'd like to keep going." I said and looked down at his pants.

He turned a beat red and choked on his food. "How- how would you know that?" Regulus asked and I curtly smiled and said, "Well I got bored and gave him the best shag of his life 3 months ago." I said in a low tone. He bit his cheeks and tried to keep in his laughter, "Oh Merlin you made him break his rule." Regulus said astonished.

When dinner ended Regulus picked me up over his shoulders and walked me to the dormitories, "I know this is very suspicious to others but the look on lover boy's face is hilarious." Regulus said and I laughed. "I'd it because he hopes you drop me Or because the only thing between you and my vagina is thin fabric?" I asked lowly.

"I'll take the latter, pretty girl." And as he said that he swung me down in front of him very quick and smoothly. "Thank you, Regulus." I said as we made it to my dorm and as I entered I found Marlene and Lily sitting on my bed.

"Oh Merlin I missed you guys." I said opening my arms for a hug and they both raced over to hug me back with Lily beating Marlene. "Ooh sorry Marli but I guess Lily loves me more." I said and sunk into Lily's hug. I was much more thankful now then ever that she was taller then me. "I do so suck on that, McKinnon." Lily said and laughed.

"Ok we'll separate love birds I have news." Marlene said and then Lily and I sat on my bed. "There's gonna be a part next week, on Friday at the gryffindor common room." Marlene started, bluocks I can't it's a full moon. "I can't go Marli." I said subtly as Lily was ranting and they both stopped to look at me as if I were mentally deranged.

"What the bloody fuck do you mean you can't go?" Marlene asked. "Well I have plans with someone so I don't know." I answered and Lily shook her head, "Let me guess, Remus or was it Potter?" Lily asked with disgust in her tone. "Why doesn't that matter? If I can get out of plans then I'll go but we'll see and Lily if your jealous then actually say yes to when he asks you to hogsmeade." I said and she blushed.

"I would get mad that she turned this on you but that would mean she's wrong and she's not." Marlene said. "I just think I'm too late, I finally start liking him and he's over me and with someone else." Lily said playing with her robe.

"Hey, he is head over heels for you, that's something that will never change." I said and smiled, I never knew it hurt to be right. I'd rather live in the blissful lie I'd stand a chance but then I'd start believing it. Hope breeds eternal misery so I'm hoping that whatever small feelings I gained for him go away.

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