•paid & pining•

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A/N, I found this dress on Pinterest and it's most like the one imagined Diana wears when she sings at the three broomsticks. Also all the songs she sings would have been songs released in the world in the 1970's  

d.diggory's POV

I walked out of the great hall and wen to the gryffindor dorms to drop off James' glasses. Thank Merlin today was Sunday. I knew the boys would be stripping Zonko's for one of every prank pack they sold. As I walked into the gryffindor common room I was lucky to dodge anyone. When I entered their dorm I walked over to James' bed, still messy from this morning.

"Merlin she looks gorgeous sleeping, so peaceful."

Why do I always fall for the unattainable? I placed the glasses on his pillow and walked out to the dorm. As I closed the door behind me I heard a voice I wish I could forget. "Good Morning, Leftovers." Fucking Mclaggen, Merlin, can I get a day I don't have to deal with the everlasting ego and 10 second dick of Liam Mclaggen, "Did Potter finish with my oh so sloppy seconds without saying goodbye?" he asked backing me into the dorm room door.

"What do you want Liam?" I asked him, spitting in his face. he closed his eyes and then brought his hand to his cheek, wiping the spit off. "My first name? Well I haven't heard that leave your lips in a long while, mo ghràidh." He said and looked into my eyes, placing his hand next to my head, leaning near my face.

"And you haven't said that since before you cheated on me. Now I will ask you nicely. Move. Out. Of. My. Way." I said and he grinned, backing away from me with his hands up in a surrendering pose. "Ok dearie but we both know you wouldn't hurt me. I was your first love. Your first date. Your first-" I cut him off with a hex. My wand making a snake

"Entomorphis Dolor!"

His eyes grew big. "You added to the hex you bitch!" He morphed and morphed till his voice emoted nothing but buzzing noises and all he was, was an overgrown bug. I walked away, it was more of a confident strut. I strutted. But he wasn't wrong, I did add onto the hex.

Dolor means pain in Latin. So the hex I put translated means Morphs Insect pain. I guess he should've known not to cheat and make fun of a girl in Advanced transfiguration. As I walked out of the gryffindor common room I walked to my room again and changed into my dress.

Today- for the whole day, I was going to be working. I put on my robes and and buttoned them so nobody would see me. I put on flats for some comfort event though they would dig into my heels the entire day. I walked into my fireplace and grabbed a hand full of floo. "I sweat to Merlin if i get ash on these shoes I'll murder someone." I said and then threw the floo to the ground  and spoke, "The Three Broomsticks!"

As the fiery green left my vision I saw the bartenders setting up. "Good morning, Canary." Ted Tonks said throwing a white towel over his right shoulder. "Morning, Teddy." I said and took off my robe, hanging it up on a hook near kitchen. "It's Sunday night so if you could sing more love songs- jazz maybe for the older folk." Ted said. Him and Andromeda graduated last year and now to support him and his family he works here as a side job.

"How's Nymphadora?" I asked him and his face lit up. "Her and Andy are doing great. Um their coming tonight so could you sing her song?" He asked me then continued to set us. After a few hours it grew dark and the piano player entered, along with Amos who brought Evanna.

I'm glad he grew fond of his bride but I can't say that there are things they'd so to get disowned. Once Andromeda came in holding a baby, I knew it was my time to start. I gave them a small wave then gave the pianist my signal to play.  Soon followed the bass, and sax. Ted wasn't kidding when he said today would be jazz night.

"Kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again. It's been a long, long time..."

I always scan the audience for people I know so I can swear them to secrecy. Tonight I kept my gaze on Nymphadora, her song would be next.

"Haven't felt like this, my dear. Since can't remember when. It's been a long long time."

This was Andromeda's and Ted's wedding song. I didn't sing it for them of course over the summer but at their small wedding I dance to this with James. We watched Sirius and Remus dance to this. I should make a bet with Peter, he still thinks Remus and Dorcus will stay together.

"...You'll never know how many dreams I dream about you. or how empty they all seem without you."

When I looked away from Nymphadora, I saw Andromeda's face. Her cheeks were red and she was gazing at Ted. He walked over to them and put his arm over Andromeda's shoulder. Kissing her forehead and then the three of them watched me.

"So then kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again. It's been a long, long Time."

As I finished the song I bit my lip and some of the audience members clapped. I looked down at my feet at the applause then back up. the first face I saw was James' face. And across from him, Lily. Fuck, why am I hurt? I hate him deep down right? IF I hate him then why does it hurt to see him smile at her? Bloody hell, Diana pull it together you have to sing Nymphadora her song.

"Dream, when your feeling blue..."

I looked away from James to a table in the back and saw the rest of the marauders. Butter beer in hands. Peter was focus on teh task of guzzling down his drink. Remus simply enjoyed the music and glanced at Lily's expressions to James. Sirius however saw my eyes.

"..Dream, that's the thing to do..."

Sirius saw my hurt. He saw my pain. He mirrored my expression in my eyes and I had to look away. I cannot cry- I cannot breakdown not- not in Nymphadora's song. I'm his friend. I am James Potter's friend. And nor will I ever be anything more as I am not the red haired, green eyed Lily fucking Evans, his lily-flower.

"...Just watch the smoke rings rise in the air, You'll find your share, of memories there. So dream..."

I glanced back at Nymphadora and lightly smiled. I was putting her to sleep. Then I saw James face. He has a huge smile plastered on his face, he then lifted up his two hands with his thumbs up. I looked back to see Peter and Remus hugging each other crying. Damnit, Sirius gave them fire whiskey during the sad song.

"...When the day is through, dream. And they might come true. Things never are as bad as they seem. So dream, dream, dream..."

As I finished the song Sirius nodded at me and I knew. The pain I was feeling was what he had felt for Marlene and I nodded to him in return. James stood up and clapped his face smiling brightly.

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