•snogging & self-loathing•

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j.potter's POV

"Merlin, I can't with that whore, why is she always flirting with you." I groaned out. "You know, James, maybe a little louder so the rest of the school can hear you" Remus said to me.

"Why do you hate her so much? You do realize that she saved your ass tonight, right?" Sirius had spouted. "What do you mean? We fell she wrapped herself around me, gave me a hard on and then flirted with you." I said in defense.

"If acting like a decent human being is your idea of flirting then I wish you luck with Evans, James." Remus said patting my back as Peter laughed. "Jamesie, what you seem to have missed is that you were hurdling towards that uneven spike next to the middle hoop and had, Diana not done what she did then you'd both be leaving your mark on this pitch forever, not in the good way." Sirius said following.

"I bet you can't say one thing nice about her." Peter said adding on to Sirius. Why did I hate her so much? I mean Sirius is my best friend and I don't have her as competition anymore especially after my horrid prank in first year. What can I say that's nice about Diana Diggory? That's impossible but Remus and Sirius would know.

"Remus! What do you like about her so much?" I asked with all the fake confidence I could. "Her ambition, James." Oh wow a Slytherin trait, cop out. "Really? She's truly so horrid that you can only name her house's defining feature? So I must be right." I spoke smugly.

"She's in every advanced class the school offers, she's in frog choir, she's the only girl to try out for the Slytherin quidditch team and make it let alone getting voted Captain and a prefect." Remus said in one breath walking to our shared dorm.

"Ok what about you, Peter? As you seem to be talkative after speaking with her." I said trying to pull what's left of my dignity from Remus. "Her humor." And that is the cop out. He can't back this up.

"Its the same as ours remember what happen to McLaggen's hair last week? That was gold I mean I've never seen a blonde do such a hot pink in so little time." Peter said laughing.

"Ok fine because you are all just begging me." Sirius began Dramatically. "It's a toss up of her appearance and her passion- either way they make her a good shag and no I haven't even snogged her." Sirius said as we entered the common room.

"She's got these eyes that you don't really wanna look away from and Merlin her thighs and waist but her passion is unparalleled. Too bad she used a good portion on hating you, jamesie" Sirius said and everyone laughed then Lily popped into the fireplace. Where did she floo from?

"Hello, Lily-Flower" I said to her enthusiastically. "Good night Potter." Lily said unenthused. A mere moment after Marlene popped in. "Where are all of you coming from?" Sirus asked drinking some fire whiskey and passing it to me.

As I drank some she responded, "We walked Diana back to her dorm." I giggled, "Speak of the devil" and then passed the bottle to Remus.

"What do you mean?" Marlene asked them took the seat next to the fire place. "Jamesie can't think of one good thing about Diana and he said that we couldn't and then you come here from her." Sirius answered and she laughed harder then she should have.

"Oh Merlin, she's worse then you." Marlene said. "There you have it! From her best friend, Diggory is irredeemable." I yelled proudly. "Oh James, I don't know what you did but I just came back from her talking about avoiding you like the plague." Marlene said. Why does that hurt a little? "No she has to be more mature." Remus said.

"She annotates her books with curse words and snarky comments. I borrowed Her copy of Romeo and Juliet and she basically tore them apart verbally." Marlene added on. And Remus joked on his fire whiskey before passing it backs to me, "I had borrowed a romance novel from her and I swear she's the most cynical person I've ever met." Remus said and I zoned out in my thoughts as they talked about her quirks.

"...it'd make her a good shag, oh her thighs and waist-"

Sirius' words kept echoing inside my head. I had her thighs wrapped around me today in position that Sirius was egging on about. And I liked it. I guess I could name 2 things I like about her, she was warm and he wasn't wrong about her eyes.
I've always called them shit brown but they aren't, they're this warm amber color almost red near her iris and- what the fuck is wrong with me this is the girl I hate more then anything and who hated me just as much.

I need to stop listening to Sirius, that seems to be the root of my issues today and then I returned to reality to the glorious words, "So James, why wouldn't you let her go?" Remus asked and Marlene added, "You cradled her to your chest so she wouldn't get hurt and even after you both stopped rolling you didn't let go." I don't know.
"Cuz she was unconscious and her muscles locked on me." Merlin, I'm a bloody liar.

Remus looked at me as if I were insane but thank god Sirius had said the words, "We've got classes tomorrow so at least 2 out of the 5 of us need to pass a sobriety test." And we walked to our dorms with Remus walking next to me, "Muscles don't lock in the position, James." He said smirking before he got in bed. Bloody hell he's gonna think I'm secretly in love with the spoiled brat. I got in bed and peacefully fell asleep

I was on the quidditch pitch practicing some drills for a rematch between the Slytherins when Diggory came came to the pitch in a black sports bra and spandex shorts, that's were a bit too short.

"Oi Potter!" She called out to me holding her broom next to the broom closet and walked inside. Mental that one. "What the bloody hell did you need, Diggory?" I asked backing her into a wall of the broom closet and the door had shut behind us.

"I needed the field to practice its mine right now." She said backing herself out of the corner but I haven't moved so she remained a few inches in front of her face. I saw her eyes a again but as I leaned down to seem more intimidating she bit her lip.

I lent to her ear and whispered lowly, "Stop biting that lip of yours." And as I blacked away she came to my ear and whispered, "Make me" and with that I grabbed her by the neck and kissed her. Her hands on my cheeks and I lifted up her torso to wrap her legs around it. And she grinded into me as I pushed against the wall.

She left sloppy kisses down my neck and took off my shirt kissing down until she- "aguamenti" was what I heard in the distance and felt water splash over me. "Aw bollocks." I said wiping of water from my face. "That's for moaning in your sleep." Remus said putting on his tie.

And then as I sat up I felt a slap against the back of my neck, "That's for some of the moans being Diana's name." Sirius said opening a curtain, letting light into the room. I regret drink majority of that bottle last night.

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