•balls & bouncing•

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j.potter's POV

Diana certainly made herself very persuasive when she needed to be. She kept me up most of the night because of her nightmare. "N-no." She sobbed out in her sleep but I was thankful she let me drift off. Well not exactly let me, more a force.
But I woke up to the sound of skin on skin.

A slap, more a spank that echoed through the house. I had always kept one thing with me, my invisibility cloak. So now I deemed it a good time to put on. As I ventured out of Diana's room I saw that her mother slapped her. Not again but there was a bright red hand print on Diana's left cheek and she looked like if she bit the insides of her cheeks any longer they might bleed.

I looked over to see Amos gritting his teeth as their was nothing he could do to help or protect his baby sister. She was getting fitted in the kind of dresses that they sew onto you as most family's did for Malfoy balls. They were in the process of taking off Diana's bra so I decided now would be the best time for me to go to Sirius' room.

When I walked in I saw Remus passed out in a chair across the room from where Sirius laid on his bed. I woke the two up and told them what happened and how we are trapped until further notice. "I'm not surprised her mother would do that." Sirius said groggily. "What?" Remus asked. "Her mother is Cassandra bloody Fawley. Before Diggory. You know, disowned for being something other then Slytherin. Wanted to prove her worth by marrying and making purebloods. It's what my mother wants me to do fresh out of hogwarts." Sirius said as he drank a glass of water.

I never thought of Diana in Sirius' position. "I guarantee if our plan doesn't work tonight that Amos, Diana, and I will be engaged along with the Slytherin quidditch team and the black sisters." Sirius added. "But no one is of age at least till fifth year." Remus said. "It's power thing, Mooney. But Prongs here. He's lucky." Sirius said and then he looked at me.

"Your parents, have this amazing called morals and aren't going to marry you off for money and power." Sirius said and smiled at me. "We are getting you out of that tonight." I said and Remus nodded. "Remus and I are going to get food and hopefully see if the coast is clear. Maybe you apparate and tell my parents we aren't dead?" I asked him and then Remus and I went under the cloak.

Sirius nodded and apparated. "Coffee? And chocolate. Chocolate is a definite." Remus said to me as we walked into the living room to see Diana in a flowy olive green dress her hair in a messy, unkept bun. "Your father and I are going to the Rosiers. We will be back to take you to the ball. After we take you back here, your father and I have arrangements in Paris. Remember the rule, I'll know if you break it." Her mother spoke and then floo-ed with her father away.

Amos bent over and released a breath and Diana had relaxed her shoulders, tilting her head up to take in a breath. "Did you eat breakfast?" She asked Amos, "No father woke me up and straight to fitting. Did you?" He asked her. "No and I won't be until I beat a chocolate frog out of Lucius. That's was the rule mum talked about. No eating until the ball." She said and then turned around and walked toward the kitchen.

"I have to go tell my friends to wake up and their free to leave. Hopefully they can run while they still can. I also have to wake James up from my bed- Merlin I never thought I'd say those sentences, Amos." She said and picked up a green apple before putting it down.

"So James Potter, huh." And then Remus nudged me. "I don't think you understand the word tolerate." She said and a part of my heart sunk to that, I thought we were friends. "I don't think you do either, he's sleeping in your bed." Amos said. "Ok so it's more then that. I would consider him a good friend but nothing more. I'm not looking for anything romantic after mclaggen." She said and her face fell.

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