•mornings & monolouges•

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j.potter's POV

"Have you seen my glasses?" I asked Peter and Sirius and they laughed. "I'm sorry I'm blind, but have you seen them?" I asked again. "You probably left them in the dorm." Remus said and then simply took his want out and pointed it to my face muttered a spell. I could see clearly without my glasses, "You'll be blind as a bat again in a few hours, Prongs." Remus said and then continued to eat.

I looked across the room to the slytherin table to see Diana woke up shortly after I left the room and came here. "Moony, doesn't she look gorgeous today? I mean green is her color." I said still staring at Diana and nudged Moony next to me. "Evans isn't wearing green." Remus said and my face slightly dropped but still keeping my gaze on her. "Oh I wasn't talking about Evans." I said.

"Pads-Padfoot, somethings wrong with Prongs." Moony said alarmed poking Sirius's arm untill it turned into Remus just slapping Padfoot while he tried to flirt with Marlene. "Excuse me, love. Remus is trying to murder me, give me moment." Sirius said and then slapped Remus across the face to which loud noise came from and Remus did the same and they stared at each other in an angry state. I'm making a bet with Peter they'll be a thing by seventh year, they sexual tension right now may very well kill me.

At some point in their staring contest I turned my attention back to Diana as she was digging in her robe pocket and Snivillus was bloody staring at her as she did so. Merlin it was like he was staring at her crotch, what the bloody fuck and gave him the right to look at her like that? "Oh yeah he's broken hasn't stopped staring at Ranger all morning" Sirius said but before I looked over at him, Diana had finally pulled what was stuck in her robe pocket. My glasses. She held them up to her eyes and smiled lightly, a warm blush hitting her cheeks. It caused my cheeks to do the same along with giving me an open mouth smile.

"Mission Success, boys." Sirius said and then I looked over. "What mission were we on?" I asked drinking pumpkin juice. Peter let out an abrupt loud chuckle, having to use his hands to cover his mouth. Remus smirked, this can't be something good, "We simply set an object in motion, worked quite well" Remus said drinking his cup of coffee. "Well that was painfully vague." I said and Sirius grinned wildly, ah yes I typically want to make him eat shit after he makes this face. "Well when- actually I'm going to put you in our shoes." Sirius said and put his drink down.

"To set the scene." Sirius put his hands out with his thumb and index finger out on both hands starting together then slowly spreading out, "Your best mate gets a date with the person they've been in love with-" Peter cuts him off. "For six bloody years too!" And then Sirius continues. "Yes, Wormtail, that's a marvelous detail." And this time Remus interrupts him. "Six. Bloody. Years." And Sirius starts again with his hand on my shoulder, the other pointing to my face. "So naturally 30 minutes into their supposed dinner date you see your best mate with the girl he hated with a passion, those very six year. Bloody Sitting across from him!" He raise his volume a little.

Peter nods his head aggressively at this and Remus bangs with empty coffee cup against the table. "But get this, the two of them are smiling and touching each other and drinking fire whiskey." Sirius said. Remus now has a big drunken smile on his face, "So naturally as a good best mate you help the two of them in the process of getting shit faced." Remus said and Peter starts banging his goblet on the table. "We added a bit of sleeping drought to their pints." Remus added and Sirius continued.

"We let them get drowsy and walk back to the castle laughing and leaning on each other and get back to her dorm, naturally." Sirius nodded for approval from Remus and Peter whom gave it dramatically. "But when they undressed and got in her bed we had a golden opportunity for a prank." Sirius said. This. This is why I knew I would want to make him eat shit. Remus and Sirius put their hands on my shoulders and shook me whist Peter made a drumming noise.

"We put them in his bed on top of each other naked to make them think they shagged." Sirius finished and clasped his hands together then shook them over each side of this head before putting his hands on this crossed legs waiting for my reaction, Remus and Peter clapping the entire time. "How'd you do it?" I asked in a monotone voice to try and hide my anger.

"I'll take the first question." Peter said raising a finger in the air. He cleared his throat and began. "We let you get naked and go to sleep in her bed on your own accord. Sirius carried you to our dorm, we wrapped you in one of her sheets- none of us wanted to see to little James." Sirius patted my back twice before Peter continued, " Remus carried Diana in a comforter and placed her gently on your bed and with you- well with you we dropped multiple times. Remus positioned Diana on the bed they way I directed and Sirius positioned you the way I directed. I was look out, director, and photographer. Thank you very much" Peter said fixing his tie.

Sirius and Remus clapped. "We love you wormtail." Remus echoed. "Please sign my ass." Sirius said and we looked at him. "What? People ask that at Queen concerts." Sirius said in his defense. "What photo?" I asked them. "We have one of you two in Peter's pose." Remus said. "Well can I see it?" I asked. "Not yet." They all responded synchronized.

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