Yurika definitely hated the taste of bitterness and the taste of rotten blood in her mouth, but she had no choice hasn't it? Her only food right now is this evil villain. As a vampire, they liked human blood - whether it is evil or good, it tasted heavenly for them. But for Yurika - she liked the taste of good people's blood.

  The buff guy fell on the ground lifeless and drained, and Yurika felt the sudden surge of energy in her body - she felt alive again.

Her flushed face and some blood flowed down her chin while still in a daze. Under the moonlight and having her hair down with a daze flushed look on her while having blood dripping down her chin, she looked ethereal. And Dabi witnessed the whole scene. He had to admit though, the girl is beautiful - also strong.

Dabi walked towards the girl, and Yurika noticed his presence as well and snapped out of her trance. She looked behind and saw the guy who saved her.

  "Turns out you don't actually need my help." He smirked and watched the girl infront of him lick the blood on her chin using her fingers. It looked really odd to see a girl lavishly licking a blood like some high quality food. But mind you, blood is high quality food for Yurika.

"No, you showed up at the right time. Thank you for saving me." Yurika curtsied, Dabi looked at her weird by how she curtsied like she's a royalty. Nevertheless, he didn't mind it though.

"Now that you're fine, I'll be going now." He said and putted his hands in his pockets, walking away from the vampire princess. Yurika was about to walk away when she suddenly realized that she's lost.

It would be embarrassing, but she'll need to follow that guy - hoping he would go out of this alleys.

And so she followed. Ofcourse, it didn't go unnoticed by the dark haired Dabi - it kind of ticked him off but thinking that she's following him to find the exit, he simply didn't mind it. Although she could've just said that she doesn't know where the exit is.

  Yurika stared from behind, and noticed multiple burnt skin - it kind of looked pitiful for her, who would've done something so terrible like this? But he looks cool though, she had to admit.

When walking, she noticed the familiar lights from afar - she's finally out of the alleys! She breathed a sigh of relief and gratitude that the guy saved her. Oh, wait - she hasn't paid him yet for saving her!

  Just as he was about to walk away, Yurika grabbed his wrist softly. "Wait! I haven't heard of your name. Would you tell me?" She asked him, looking earnestly at his eyes. Dabi eventually sighed and gave up.

This girl is really something else. Normally, people would run away from him the moment they see his horrible face. But this girl is staring at him earnestly asking for his name. But still, he is a villain.

"Why would you want to know my name? A villain? I'm a bad guy, little lady." As he said that, he saw different kinds of emotions in her eyes - is it confusion? Sadness? Disbelief? He honestly don't know.

But what was happening inside Yurika's head was, all kinds of different questions of 'why?'

And eventually, her thoughts flew out of her mouth smoothly. "Why would you think like that? Why would you think you're a bad guy? Sure, I don't know your story - but everyone had a story. And my heart is telling me you're a good person. Doesn't mean because you're a villain you're straight out evil. Saving me from the other villains from earlier were proof. So, I do not think you are a bad guy at all."

It feels odd hearing these kind of words from a stranger, not from a person he wanted to hear it the most. He felt his heartstrings pulling in his cold, dead heart. He almost chuckled - this feels stupid, but he felt touched, he felt warm.

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