Chapter Sixty-Nine

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Sixty-Nine: In fire there is warmth, and there is destruction.

Ignis aurum probat, 

Miseria fortes viros. 


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Jimin hissed in pain as one of the minions tugged on his collar. His body was bruised in several places. Not just because he was beaten up for torture, but the way he was pushed around let him to injuring himself at times. And while he could heal all the black and blue bruises, and cuts, there were still a few wounds that he couldn't heal to proper extent. His Cybelean abilities didn't reach that far. 

He was once again dragged to the room where the leader was waiting for him. The usual seethingly dark eyes that bored into his own. Pale skin with a menacingly dark sneer plastered on his bluish lips. 

Jimin couldn't find back when the pain spread through his body. If he did, they would find it more amusing to break him down. And when he didn't find it back, and just bit his tongue as the pain numbed him, they still found it enjoyable to see him writhe with pain on the floor. 

"Say, Park Jimin, would you like to get the chance to see your world burn first hand?" The leader asked, tilting his head to the side in a mocking manner. "Walk with me."

And even if the though itself was enough to make bile rise up to his throat, he didn't have any other choice. He was pushed forward, and there was no room for him to run. He was crowed with the Cursed one. There was so much death, and decay in the aura around them, it felt like it was tangible. Like a rope around Jimin's neck. Replacing the metal collar that was just removed from his neck. 

He was pushed forward once again when he hadn't moved right away.  Gaining his balance back, he slowly trudged forward. He didn't have enough energy left in him to heal himself. Having used most of it before. He needed to rest, but there was no chance for it.

There was no one to let him sneak of even a half a fratz of sleep. 

No one to let him breath in peace. Without the anxiousness of getting abused all the time. 

Jimin squints his eyes when they walk out of the building. And as he looks around, he realizes just how crowded the place his. Last time, ten years back, there weren't as much. Perhaps a couple dozen of them. But right now, he saw dozens of walking about, on every floor. Every room. It was like a small army. And if they managed to get their hands on the Life Stone, it would be enough to bring complete annihilation.

No one would be prepared. No one could possible prepare themselves in such a short time. 

And he also realizes, how there is minimum to none security. It was like, they believed no one knew of their presence. Of their existence. And Jimin had been counting on that belief. If they had had even the slightest that Yoongi or any one knew of them, they would immediately guarded themselves. Fortified this island, even. 

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