Chapter Eight

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Eight: Am I fine?

Hidden inside of you, 

Lies a truth

Even if forgotten, 

It's still with you.


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As Jimin stood in front of Jin's house, he wasn't sure of how to react. He didn't knew what he was expecting. But it most certainly wasn't what he was seeing. 

"You do have a knack for making a bold statement." Jimin commented. The corners of his lips twitching upwards in amusement. 

Jin smirked, as he walked past the purple head boy, "I do, yes."

Jin's house was made entirely of stone. Modern styled, and asymmetric. The left edge of the building was creatively made to look like a piece of amber sprouting out of a stone, that is, the rest of the house. The left side was made of entirely of, one way, yellow tinted glass for the two floor.  It tapered down to fit in with the rest of the building's asymmetric shape. The other, right side, was verandah that went round the entire top floor. Around the outlines of the house, yellowish glow stone was embedded. And Jimin could already imagine that the house would look magnificent at night. Like a glowing amber. 

The house was surrounded by trimmed, lush green grasses with a few round stones embedded. There was stone path that lead to the front door. 

Jimin walked behind Jin as they entered the house. The moment he stepped in, he knew there was something about this place... it made him livelier. Fresher and even stronger. He furrowed his brows together in confusion and looked around. 

"So hyung, what's the special thing about your house?" Jimin asked, walking around. 

Jin furrowed his brows a little and asked back, "What do you mean?"

"You know, what you explained earlier... every house has a essence of its own." Jimin mumbled, as he looked around, "So, does your house like... make a person feel better?"

Jin paused and looked at him with a scrutinizing gaze, "How did you feel that?"


"You're not supposed to feel the healing properties of this house..." Jin stated, narrowing his eyes. And then after a short pause, his eyes widen, "Unless you're sick."

This time, it was Jimin's turn to be confused, "But I don't really feel sick."

"Are you sure about it? Nothing? Not even a light head-ache?" Jin asked, stepping closer to Jimin. 

The purple head stopped to think about it for a while. He didn't really any different right now. Not sick, or nauseous, he didn't even have a head ache right now. Confused, he shook his head. Jin pressed his lips together in a thin line and nodded. 

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