Chapter Sixty-Seven

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Sixty-Seven: Safety Charm



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Jimin snapped his head up when he heard the sound of the door lock opening. With a loud click, the metal door opening. Making a eerie creaking sound. Jimin had expected to see one of the Cursed ones. Or perhaps the woman. But he soon enough he was wrong. 

He felt it before he saw it. 

The shudder than ran down his spine. The way goosebumps formed. And an strong flight or fight instincts was triggered right away. His body trembled with the sudden rush of epinephrine. To the point where it physically ached to stay sitting on the cold floor. But he couldn't do anything else either. While most of him wanted to just bolt out of the room, a small part of him didn't. The small part that was overpowered with bone chilling fear. Like invisible chains, terror wrapped around him. Holding him down like a prey. 

His eyes flickered up. And just the sight was like a punch to his gut. Knocking all the air out of his lungs. 

He's only ever seen him lurking in the shadows. Ever present. Like an uneasiness under his skin. Crawling and climbing upto his neck. 

He watched with paralyzing fear as the leader of Xiers slowly took a humane form in front of him. His skin pale as sheet. His eyes all black, without a dot of white. Curls of dark black hair fell all over his face in a frenzy manner. Broken, dark lines appearing on his skin.  Black shawl was draped over him like a sheets of darkness. So dark, that it absorbed all the light around him. The room appeared to dim as the leader slowly walked in. 

Jimin doubted if his feet even touched the ground. His movement were so fluid it was as if he was floating. And that thought was more terrifying.

Jimin backed away unwillingly. But soon enough his back touched the wall. His heart hammering inside of his chest, like it belonged to a running prey. 

"Park Jimin." His voice was so hollow, like a whisper, but rasped out at then end. And it was enough to make Jimin try desperately to move away. Curl up in a foetal position. 

"You know of the Life stone, yes?" He asked. 

Jimin pursed his lips together. Fearing that he might blurt something out. Something he didn't want to tell. Gulping loudly, he leaned away as much as he possibly could from the man in front of him.

The strong odor of rotten meat, and something decaying him burned his nose. But it was the least of his worries. He wasn't sure if it was his mind playing tricks on him, but he could hear quiet, winded screams. Crying. Begging. 

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