Chapter Fifty-Four

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Fifty-Four: Sick

And it seeps into my blood, 

And spreads through my body

Slowly, slowly, it brings me to the end.


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Jimin sighed as the last video from Namjoon and Jin's marriage played on the memory bead. He had spent the entire morning binge watching all the videos. Most of which were recorded by Taehyung, or Jungkook. The Icarian and the Draconian had such distinct style of recording videos and taking pictures, it was way too easy for Jimin to differentiate while watching. As of now, Taehyung was recording through the venue and stopped at Yoongi. 

The Draconian was quietly talking to Hoseok at one corner of the place, when he noticed the camera was on him. Jimin giggled seeing the way the elder Draconian froze right away. Lips tugging up in a shy smile and a soft blush creeping on his face. 

"Ah Achi, look at me in the eyes, will you?" Taehyung complained when Yoongi refused to look directly at the camera. Hiding behind the Kenna. And Hoseok was having the time of his life, interacting with the camera. 

But before Taehyung could drag Yoongi in front of the camera, Jungkook appeared pretty much out of no where and stole the camera from the Icarian. Running away quickly. Jimin laughed through his nose as the video ended. 

Putting away the memory bead, he looked back to the books sprawled on his bed. Yesterday, when he had gotten too bored, he had gone over to the Mairs house to borrow a few books. He didn't like the way he stayed unproductive for pretty much the entire day. And he was the kind to get bored quickly. So, studying the science related book of this world, proved to be more interesting than he expected. The foundation of the science were mostly the same, so he was able to cope up easily. But other than that, he had to learn so many new things. It had taken pretty much the entire day yesterday, and a quarter of today before he decide it was too much to learn at one time.

Clicking his tongue, he flipped through the pages before closing it and putting it away as well. He groaned softly as he stretched before getting off the bed. It was pretty much night time, and Yoongi should be home soon. 

He groaned as he got up on his feet. His legs were numb after dancing for so long in the earlier half. Popping his knuckles, he walked over to the kitchen to see if there was something to eat. But as he looked through the fridge he realized he wasn't actually hungry. 

Then he heard the sound of a door being open, and turned to see Yoongi walking into the living room with tired steps. The Draconian yawned before noticing Jimin in the kitchen. Immediately a smile formed on his face, as he muttered, "Hey."

"Hi." Jimin smiled back, walking over to Yoongi, "You look exhausted. What happened?"

Yoongi leaned on the younger's shoulder and mumbled, "Two Wyverns' got in a fight. Had to stop it and then fix everything they damaged."

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