Chapter Thirty-Three

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Thirty-Three: Complains, and surprises. 

surprise: (noun)

an unexpected or astonishing event, fact, etc.


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Jimin ran his fingers over the new tattoos on his wrist. Watching the design fade out and three names fade in. It was halfway through the third quarter of the day, and him and Hoseok were collected at Jin's house. And Jimin was yet to know about the reason they were going to be gathered. Something about planning something. But they the rest were yet to come. Only, Jin, him and Hoseok were present. 

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around him. Jimin immediately broke into a smile when the world around him was covered by silvery and rose gold feathers. 

"Hi!" Taehyung chirped. His feathers rustling from the excitement in the Icarian. A soft crooning sound was heard from him. Then the Icarian let go with a satisfied grin and sat down on the stool couch. At first, he curled up his wings around himself but then realized he couldn't see past them. Even if he tried peeking above them. Which made Jimin giggle since, if Taehyung craned his neck to peek, his shoulders moved up as well. And all of it was pointless. So with a huff and a puff, he let his wings slump down behind him. 

Jungkook came in a few seconds later, munching on a candy bar, the other hand stuffed in his pocket. An unamused expression on his face as he plopped down next to Hoseok. Leaning in and resting his head against the Kenna. Jimin saw the Draconian stare at Taehyung with a glare before looking the other way. 

And it seemed Hoseok noticed since he raised his eyebrow, glancing between Taehyung and Jungkook. Jin came back with a tray of colourfull drinks. Placing it on the table before sitting down next to Jimin. Jimin had no idea what they were, but nevertheless he gave into the drinks' inviting looks. Taking a peach coloured one. 

"Kookie, pass me the yellow one?" Taehyung asked, being the farthest one from the coffee table. The Draconian slowly turned his head towards the Icarian, his eyes half closed with lack of interest and muttered in a monotonous voice, "Ask your precious Kyler, why don't you?"

Jimin choked on his drink, while Hoseok snickered and Jin rolled his eyes with a groan. Muttering 'not this again' under his breath and took a big sip from his drink. 

Taehyung slumped his shoulders, and dropped his outstretched hand. A pout forming on his lips that Jungkook completely ignored. "Aww come on, Kookie don't be like that!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and snuggled in closer to Hoseok. Turning his face away as he sipped slowly on his blue tinted drink. The Kenna chuckled seeing the two and asked, "What happened?"

"Kyler was just helping me clean my wings because some leaves and twigs got stuck in them." Taehyung explained. Immediately, Jungkook shot up straight, his eyes wide and a look of offence on his face. 

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