Chapter Thirty-Five

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Thirty-Five: An Image of Beauty

And only if you saw yourself, 

The way I see you; You'd understand,

Why it's so easy to fall for you

Why it's so easy to fall for you

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

After that night, things that had been a little bit tense to say the least. Yoongi and Jungkook, both seemed on the edge all the night. Jungkook became clinger than usual, and Yoongi spaced out more often. To take his mind off things, Jungkook decided to go visit Taehyung's parent along with him. Which left, Yoongi and Jimin alone by themselves.

As of now, the two were sitting on Yoongi's couch. Jimin was in between the elder's legs, back against the others chest with the elder's arm around his waist. Usually during this time, he was with Hoseok dancing, or helping Namjoon or Jin in their work. And Yoongi would be out for his work.

With nothing better to do, Jimin and Yoongi decided to watch a movie. Jimin insisted on watching a rom-com. And while the Draconian was groaning and complaining he eventually gave in when Jimin used his puppy-eye look. Grumbling under his breath about Jimin's cuteness. 

Jimin giggled when the movie's lead character start drunk-singing. They were singing in Draconian, and as Yoongi explained it was quite a famous song. Jimin didn't really understand what the song was entirely about, but he caught onto few familiar words. And from those words, he found out the song was rather funny but sweet at the same time. 

The lead actor was describing their love interest in the most hilarious way possible, but his confession was incredibly heart-touching. 

Jimin couldn't help but laugh once again the lead actor ending up tripping and falling face first while trying to serenade their love interest. 

"Hey, I've heard Jungkook sing this song!" Jimin realized when the song reached the chorus. 

Yoongi groaned, and muttered, "Oh god, when his movie came out, he sung this song like all day. He was literally addicting. If I didn't already not like the song, he sure made me hate it."

Jimin snickered, "Really?"

"Yep, if he heard one word from the lyrics he would start singing the song. I had to so careful with what I said, because I swear if I heard him sing the song one more time I would've hit him with something." Yoongi replied. "Then this other movie called 'Caught up in time' came out and he got addicted to the movie's last song. Don't even get me started with how he would start bawling his eyes every time he watched the movie."

"What's the movie about?" Jimin asked. 

"Uh, I think it's about this group of friends." Yoongi replied, "To explain without spoiler, something bad happened, and most of the friends died. The one who survived, he was bent upon one bringing back his lost friends. He went back in time, through multiple universes trying to save his friends. But each time, he ended up loosing one of them or he was too late."

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