Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Fifty-Eight: Bring back what was lost

A new image came into focus. Jimin found himself walking down the staircase of his house. The Manor he had lived in ever since he was kid, suddenly seemed so huge to him. He was extremely nervous and jittery. As he walked over to the kitchen he heard his parents bickering inside. No exactly bickering, but more like his mum was squealing and his dad was trying to get her to quiet down. Both of them fell silent when Jimin walked in. 

"Um, Mama, papa?"

"Yes Jiminie?"  His mother responded first. 

"Um, er, I-I need to talk to you?"

"Okay, honey."

Jimin pressed his lips in a thin line and nodded. Turning around to walk to the living room. However, just as he turned around he heard his mother say something in an excited voice. 

"Shush, Minyeon. He's might hear you." His father whispered. 

"Ooh right, sorry-" She stopped when he saw Jimin still standing at the door. Looking back at them in confusion, "Go on, Min-ah. We'll be right with you. Your father and I need to discuss something important. "

Jimin nodded once again, and quietly walked over to the living room. He anxiously tapped on the floor with his feet as he waited for his parents to come. After waiting for some time, he saw them walk in. His dad frowning as he rubbed his right upper arm while his mother had a slight smug expression. 

"So, Min-ah what did you want to talk to us about?" His mother asked sitting down on the couch opposite to him. 

"Um, uh... I uh-" Jimin fumbled over his words. He had no idea how he was going to explain to his parents the way he felt for Yoongi. The way, all he could think about was the  elder Draconian. How everything about the elder had him mesmerized. 

"If it's about Yoongi, we approve." His dad blurted out all of a sudden. 

While Jimin froze in his place with eyes wide in shock, his mother let out a groan, rolling her eyes. Hitting his dad's arm. 

"Oh my goodness Ji-woon! What did I say just moment ago?! Huh? What did I say about not opening your mouth unless I ask you to? What? What?" His mother went on scolding. His dad literally shrunk away from his mother. A scared expression on his face. 

"I'm sorry."

Jimin's mother face palmed letting out an exasperated sigh, "I'm so done with you."

Jimin couldn't help but let out a giggle seeing the scared and helpless expression on his father's face while his mother was glaring daggers at him. He felt his nervousness melt away at the sight. 

His mother sighed, and shook her head before turning to Jimin with a comforting smile. "Ignore your Papa Jimin, now tell me what you were about to say."

"Um, how-how did you know about- about- how did you know I have feelings for Yoongi?" Jimin asked in a small voice. 'Was it that obvious? Was he that bad at hiding his emotions? Did Yoongi know too?!' Jimin thought to himself. 

"Aww, Min-ah . We're are your parents. We know somethings." Jimin's mother smiled. 

"And also because it was pretty obvious." His dad muttered from the side. 

"Park Ji-woon!" His mother glared. 

"Oh sh- I'm sorry." 

"Wha-What- how long did you know about it?" Jimin asked. 

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