Chapter Forty-Five

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Forty-Five: And so it begins. 

Fear, it clutches onto you

Like claws of a predator. 

And drags you down, 

Like an anchor falling to the depth of the sea.


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Jimin wasn't the type of wake up easily from his sleep. And never in the middle of the night unless someone else woke him up. So, when he found himself waking up to darkness in his room, and outside, he was a bit confused as to what woke him up. He sighed, sitting up and looked around. Yoongi was fast asleep next to him, curled up as usual. Jimin licked his lips, and gulped. Wincing when he realized his throat was dry. And guessed it was what had woken him up. 

Carefully, and quiet he got off the bed. Yoongi either had a sleep so light, even the slightest sound woke him up, or he slept like nothing on this world could wake him up. And Jimin didn't really want to take the chances and end up waking him up. The elder had been extremely busy and skipped sleeps and food often. So, he wanted to the elder to rest as much as he could manage. Jimin glanced back one more time, just to make sure Yoongi was still asleep before he tiptoed his way to the kitchen. One his way, he couldn't help but feel a bit bed knowing that he, and Yoongi won't be able to go on their little late night escapades, until things had settled down. 

Speaking of which, despite the sudden markers for chaos, things had fallen quiet abruptly after that. Not a single incident that raised suspicion. It was almost as if nothing ever had happened. Like, everyone had collectively imagined everything. 

He stared at the windows, watching the gorgeous night sky while he drank the water. Sighing in relief when his throat didn't hurt anymore. He stayed in the living room for a little while before walking back to Yoongi's room. He could've been sleeping in his own room, but cuddling the elder while sleeping felt amazing. 

Jimin was a little startled when he walked back into the room, and found Yoongi sitting up. The elder had his back towards the door. He frowned when he noticed the way the Draconian was hunched over, head in his hands. Jimin could hear the shallow, choked breaths the other was taking. Worried, he quickly walked over to the elder. 

"Yoongi?" He called softly, not wanting to startle the elder. 

He bit his lips, feeling his heart ache a little when he saw the broken look in the elder's eyes. He was crying, but his eyes were glazed with tears. When he Yoongi reached out with his hand, Jimin quickly wove their fingers together. He felt the other tug on his hand gently, and quickly got up on the elder's lap. Wrapping his free arm around the other's neck. 

"What happened?" Jimin asked in a quiet worried voice. Letting go of Yoongi's hand to cup his face. 

The elder sighed, leaning in till their foreheads touched together. "Just a bad dream, vinera. Don't worry."

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