Chapter Eleven

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Eleven: Under the Sky

The stars, and skies

Connect even the farthest of the ties.


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"No!" Jimin screamed as his eyes snapped open. His body covered with a thin layer of cold sweat. His chest rose and fell with each gasps for breath. His heart pounded against his ribs. It ached, but Jimin didn't seem to care for the moment. His hands clutched onto the sheets beneath him as he looked around him in a suspicious and paranoid manner. As if the horrors from his dream might have followed him till here. 

Once he realized, and had convinced himself that he was safe. He closed his eyes once again, and tried to steady his breaths. His head throbbed from waking up in such a sudden manner. He finally registered the aching pain in his chest and groaned. Rubbing over the skin, right above where his heart should be. He realized his hands shook a bit, but there was nothing he could do about it. The injection of pure and concentrated dread was still in his system, and he knew it would be while before he was able to calm down completely. 

He sat up and cradled his head in his hands. Trying to remember what the dream, or nightmare was about. But his mind betrayed him, and all he remembered  was that it hurt. Whatever he had seen, it hurt. A lot. 

Jimin groaned once again, but not because of the throbbing pain in his head, but because of the choking feeling developing inside of him. 

He remembered that his dream made me him feel terribly lonely, and isolated. Like he was all alone. Trapped and locked. Away from the rest of the world forever. 

His thoughts traveled down to his current situation. He was alone. He was the only human in the midst of people and creatures of a whole different world. And no matter, how much Namjoon or Jin or the others behaved like it was normal, he knew it wasn't. He had the seen the number of eyes on him during the ceremony. And even though he couldn't hear properly, he knew that their whispers carried words about him. Bad or good, but he knew people were talking about him. He didn't know anything. He was different. And he stuck out a sore thumb all the time. 

He wasn't alone, he tried to reason himself. 

But he couldn't help thinking that eventually Namjoon or Jin, or the others are going to walk away and he would be all by himself in a place he didn't belong to. He wasn't a part of this puzzle, and eventually he was going to get thrown away. He shouldn't be here. He was suppose to be dead. 

He curled up his hand in a fist, and tried to block out the unnecessary thoughts. But his mind was still filled with fear from the nightmare, and absorbed all negative thoughts like a sponge. The walls seemed to cave in on him. The space around him getting smaller and smaller. Jimin quickly rolled off the bed, and rushed to the door. 

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