Chapter Sixty

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Sixty: Taken away

Jimin bit the inside of his cheek as he rubbed the skin of his empty forefinger, right where his ring should me. He grew anxious due to the absence of it. Wonder what he would do. His training resumes from tomorrow and needs it by tonight. 

He decided to mention to Yoongi about it, but the elder was busy with the mechanics of the security system and he didn't want to bother him about it.

"Yoongi." He called. 

The elder looked up from his work, "Yes?"

"I'm... going to my house for a while."

Yoongi frowned, "What? Why?"

"I need my training ring," Jimin answered, rubbing on the empty spot, "My training resumes from tomorrow, and I need that ring."

Yoongi seemed to consider it for the moment, "I can't leave now. If I do, I'll have to start all over again and it will takes fratzs. And Zandro's at the checkup."

"It's okay, I can go by myself."


"Yoongi, I need that ring or I'll be disqualified from the next round." 

The elder sighed and thought about it. Jimin knew that the Draconian didn't want him to go, and was hesitant to say yes, so he kept on trying to persuade him. He couldn't loose his chance to become a T'saya for the Felidae clan. The position of the Guardian was already taken, and he didn't have any other option. 

He couldn't give up on his family's legacy of always being a Guardian, T'saya or Representor.  

"Be back in half a fratz, yeah?" Yoongi uttered, though it was obvious he wasn't too confident about the offer. 

Jimin smiled, and nodded. Even though he knew it would take a bit longer than that, "I will."

And with that he turned to leave the house. At the door, he saw Jungkook hunched over something and as soon as the younger saw him, he quickly stashed away whatever it was in his hand and spun around. 

"What was that?" Jimin asked with a raised eyebrow. He already knew what it was, having accidently discovering it a few days back. He was sure it was the piggy bank Jungkook was using to save enough money to buy the necklace. He had taken small jobs here and there for it. 


Jimin chuckled and shook his head, "Okay, if you say so."

"Are you going somewhere?" He asked when he saw Jimin was wearing his shoes. 

"Yeah, I'll be right back, okay?" Jimin replied, and was about to leave when he saw the scared expression on the younger's face. He stopped, and bit the inside of his cheeks. He knew Jungkook wasn't feeling the best recently. Especially because either of their parents were yet to contact them. Jimin and Yoongi were used to it, their parents couldn't always contact them when they were overseas. But with Jungkook's parents it wasn't the case. But the elder two of the three, assumed the lack of contact was because the three of their parents were together. Either way, Jungkook was restless and scared. 

"Do... you have to go?" Jungkook asked in a quiet voice. Jimin knew the younger didn't want it to seem like he was completely helpless without them, but at the same time his fear was too overwhelming. 

Jimin reached out to ruffle his hair, "I'll be back before you know it, I promise."

Jungkook bit his lips and nodded. "Okay."

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