Chapter Twenty-Four

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Twenty-Four: It'll be okay.

Some silences are heavy, 

moaning under the weight of 

regrets of the words they never said.

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"So, what's de Riome Kyrith?" Jimin asked, popping in a caramelized fruit in his mouth. 

"It the day of giving back." Namjoon answered, "At the end of every year, when there is a solar eclipse, we give back what we've taken from nature."

"Is it like a ceremony, or a festival?"

"It's a celebration, um, a commemoration." Namjoon explained. 

"And what happens?" 

"You'll soon find out!" Jungkook answered, jumping in from no where with a huge grin on his face. And just quickly as he came, he ran away. Leaving both Jimin, and Namjoon dumbfounded for a few seconds. 

"Anyways, you'll be with Jin, and Taehyung." Namjoon said, as he put aside a few files. They were currently at the Kenna's house. Yoongi was upstairs with Hoseok. Jin, and Taehyung were out. Which left Jimin to spend some time with Namjoon. And Jimin thought it was quite nice to listen to Namjoon speak. The Mairs' knowledge marveled him. 

But as much as he wanted to be with Namjoon for a while longer, the elder had to leave for his own preparation. Leaving Jimin lounging alone for something before Taehyung came running into the room. The Icarian giggled loudly as he slid on the polished floor. Flapping his wing to make himself to come to a stop in front of Jimin. 

The black haired watched as a few stray feathers slowly swirled down and fell on the ground. He knew Hoseok would be throwing a fit over it afterwards. But he didn't really have to think about since, Taehyung tackled him down. 

"I bought gift for you!" Taehyung said in a gleeful manner, "And I bought it all by myself!"

"Seriously get off him, you'll crush the poor boy." Jin's voice came. Both of them looked up to see the eldest walking in while carrying a few bags with himself. And just as he put them all down, the rest appeared out no where. Searching through the bags for their stuff before disappearing. 

"Yah! Where's the thank you Jin?" The eldest  scolded as the rest were walking back to their previous activities. 

"Thank you Jin!" All of them chorused in a sing song voice before disappearing once again. Leaving, Taehyung, Jimin and Jin downstairs. With the eldest muttering complains under his breath about disrespectful the other were. 

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