Chapter Sixty-Five

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Sixty-Five: Answers



find an answer to, explanation for, or means of effectively dealing with (a problem or mystery).


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Jimin twirled around his necklace, as his thoughts were consumed with several questions, and memories. He was trying to understand why those people thought, he would know about the location of the Life Stone. Or why his mother thought he would know about it. When she never mentioned anything about the stone. 

They didn't kidnap him to get ransom, or go get his parents to give. They didn't even torture him as a message to his parents. No, they were bent up on the belief that he knew of the location. Which wasn't making much sense. Sighing, he sat up, and grabbed the diary from the side table, and switched on the nightlamp. 

Then he quickly flipped through to the page he had left his reading. He sighed, as he went through the lines over and over again. But there was nothing about the location. It's all about the power of the Life stone. The pros and cons of its usage.

He decided to look through the other pages. And was flipping through them when he caught a glance of his name. He stopped right away. Clicking his tongue when he realized he had gone ahead and slowly back through the pages, till he reached to the one with his name. The page was entirely blank except for the small note in the corner.

'You know where the truth lies, Jimin
   The answer is within you.'

Jimin frowned as he read over the message, over and over again. But no matter how many times he did, he didn't make much sense to him. Until he remembered about a certain saying. 

'Always give back what you've taken. And remember in your heart lies the truth.'

'In my heart lies the truth', Jimin thought to himself, 'But what truth? And give back what? What have I taken?' He huffed as he tried to make understand what the message was trying to tell him.

However, his thoughts came to a halt when he felt an arm go around his waist. His eyes glanced down to Yoongi. The elder nuzzled his head on the side of his hips, with a pout on his lips. He was sleeping, and every now and then looked glance up to him. It was then that he realized that the elder had him awake all this time. 

Jimin bit down on his lip and placed the book away. Then, he shuffled down a little and laid down. So that his eyes were on the same level as the elder. 

"What's wrong?" 

Yoongi didn't reply and only shook his head. The pout still present prominently on his lips. Jimin hummed, trying to figure out why the elder was being so pouty. "Ah" Jimin quietly gasped when he did realized the reason. Feeling a little guilty that he had barely paid attention to Yoongi today. Especially since it was a off day for the elder, and also because Yoongi had made several attempts but Jimin was just too engrossed with the books he was reading. 

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