Chapter Two

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Two: What if our dreams are glimpses?

So much to see, so much to know.

In a world so wide, so much is left to explore.


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Jimin stood dumbfounded in his place. With wide eyes, he stared at the tall man in front of him. The man, too, stood shocked in his place. Jimin blinked a few times just to make sure he was seeing right, and then turned to Namjoon.

But the taller man was the first one to speak up, "You two know each other?"

Jimin furrowed his brow in confusions, unable to answer the question. Was the person in front of him, the SeokJin he knew, or someone who had an uncanny similar appearance. 

"I-I-" SeokJin stuttered out, shaking his head out of the daze and walked closer, "I-I know him from Earth...How-How did he even get here? I made sure the gateways were closed properly before coming back-"

"He didn't come in through the gateways." Namjoon answered, "How do you know him, by the way?"

"Um, the library I visit to get the book from, I meet him there. Same time, every weekend." Jin answered. 

All the while, Jimin was far too confused to say a word. Even if he was able to make a little sense a second ago, after seeing Jin in this place, everything went back to zero. If not worse. 

"Someone please tell me what is happening?" Jimin asked in a helpless voice. 

Jin glanced at Namjoon before sighing, "I'll be blunt with this. Your world, and ours, it's in different but parallel universes. Um, it's not connected per se, but there are passages we can use to travel in between. And I believe, you somehow managed to cross on of the passages." Then after a short pause, and with creased forehead he glanced to Namjoon once again, "How-However, it shouldn't be possible for you to come across. People from Earth can't cross the barrier in between."

Jimin massaged his temples, "If-If this is a joke... I'm not going to bother controlling my anger this time."

Jin sighed, "I-... I suppose it's better if we just show you."

Jimin clenched his jaw as the two in front of him started walking. After a short second, he followed after the other two. The hallway was longer than he had expected, and he had to pick up his pace to keep up with the two in front of him. 

The hallway led to a gigantic metal gate. Jimin didn't have to bother pushing it, to know how heavy it must be. The door too, was carved exquisitely. Jimin wasn't sure if it was automatic, or if someone was on the other side, but the door opened with a low groan. He creased his forehead, squinting his eyes when he walked outside. Then slowly he blinked to adjust to the light. And once he was able to see the world in front of him, he was once against left spellbound. 

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