The trouble continues 🖤

Start from the beginning

Next day at school-

Y/n POV-

As I entered the classroom, my eyes immediately searched for Taehyung. I was taken aback when I saw him with even more bruises than yesterday. It looked painful, and I couldn't help but worry. Sitting beside him, he greeted me with a warm smile, but my attention remained fixated on his injuries.

Mrs. Nim entered the classroom, and we all stood up to greet her. After taking attendance, she made an unexpected announcement about a school camping trip. It was free and would last for two days and one night. As she started taking names, I couldn't believe my ears when she mentioned Taehyung's name. Was he really going on a school trip after three years? It felt surreal.

The class erupted in laughter at Mrs. Nim's comment, but Taehyung confidently stated, "Yes, ma'am, I'll be coming this time."

The shock in the room was palpable, and even I couldn't hide my surprise. The rest of the day flew by quickly, and I didn't get a chance to talk to Taehyung about his injuries. I decided to ask him tomorrow. After the school day ended, Taehyung hurriedly left as if he had been called somewhere urgently.

When I arrived home, I was delighted to learn that my parents had returned. Although my uncle Jong had already left, I was a bit disappointed that he didn't say goodbye. However, I knew we would see each other again soon. I greeted my parents and engaged in some small talk before retreating to my room to prepare for the upcoming camping trip.

Filled with excitement, I meticulously packed all the necessary items for the camp. After finishing the packing, I plopped down on my bed, feeling a sense of anticipation. This camp held a special significance for me as it would be my first one since joining this new school. The thought of the adventures and memories that awaited me made me even more eager for the trip.

Taehyung Pov-

As soon as I received a call from my dad, urging me to come back home immediately, I made my way to the imposing three-story mansion. It was a place I rarely visited, and it held haunting memories from the pages of my life. The sheer size of the house seemed to swallow me, leaving me with an eerie feeling. However, I brushed off those thoughts and entered through the grand brown gate.

Upon stepping into the living room, I found my dad seated in his usual spot. I greeted him tentatively, feeling a sense of discomfort.

"Um, Dad, I'm here," I said.

"Yeah, I know. Come, sit. It's your own house," he replied.

I took a seat across from him, feeling uneasy. He began speaking, revealing that he would be leaving Korea for a few days due to business issues. To my surprise, he dropped a bombshell on me – he wanted me to take over his underworld business temporarily, handling all the imports and exports. It wasn't the first time I had been involved, but I despised that part of my life. Along with this responsibility, he emphasized the need for me to focus on my studies.

"Yeah, okay, Dad. I'll do as you say. I should go now. Have a safe journey. Goodbye," I responded, eager to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the mansion.

I hurriedly made my way out, relieved to be away from that place. However, the weight of my dad's request to handle his business burdened my mind. It seemed like there was no escaping the tangled web of my family's underworld connections.

Next day-

Y/n pov-

As I hurriedly made my way to the bus, I spotted Taehyung sitting alone in a corner seat. He glanced at me and gave me a melancholic smile, to which I returned with a warm one. I wanted to go and sit beside him, but Jisyoung pulled me towards her and the rest of the Deadly Daisies group. Since they were also my friends, I didn't object and took a seat with them.

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