Chapter 19 ~Unnoticed~

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Emma's PoV

Why did they say "plan" like that. They said it as if they couldn't wait for it, they were eager for "the plan". And it sounded dangerous.

I listened closer as they continued to talk as if we weren't there.

"We could use my summer place. Mum and Gemma won't be there until July, I'll be on the X Factor then," Harry said. Yes, it was absolutely wonderful that they were going to be gone during the summer. All of them except Justin. So I didn't have too many to worry about. The only problem is if, no when, they come back. But Louis will be moving on to university. So 5 then, not 6.

"Why not? He's got a good basement, and it's spacious. Plus my parents wouldn't mind. The only worry is my little brother, he's nosy," Justin said. Basement? Basements were usually involved in murders and kidnaps. Were they planning doing something like that to us?

Yes, they were. It was obvious now. It's already been so long, they were bound to do it sometime soon. And now it's coming. We need to be prepared.

I looked over at Dani, she seemed to be listening too.

"We're going to need some sort of chemical. Isn't it called chlorophyll or something?" Justin asked.

"Chloroform," Louis corrected. Chloroform. A special chemical that messed with the nervous system and brain, making you fall asleep. They were going to use it on us at some point.

"But it's way too suspicious! Us going to by chloroform, anyone would suspect something!" Liam said. Since when would he care? Liam would never care about anything.

"So? Say it's for a project or something. As simple as that," Harry said.

Were they seriously talking about everything in front of us? They didn't know that we were here? This must be some sort of prank. Which is good, because that probably means that they wouldn't actually do it.

"Hey, weren't the two losers in here earlier?" Niall asked, looking in our direction. The others turned around, looking straight past us.

How did we become invisible?

Or is this just part of their prank? I think it is, I shouldn't be worrying.

I watched Dani, but she didn't even seem to care that they were playing a prank. Instead, she lifted up her third finger and pointed it at the lads, and even when they looked in her direction, they didn't react.

No, that was impossible. If I did something like that, they would flip. I think Dani's a spy, otherwise they would've beat her up. I just lost Dani.

The third time. When will this stop?

I stood up from the chair, making a lot of noise as it scraped on the wooden floor.

I walked past Dani and my fingers rested on the door handle, looking at Dani. The cheater. I almost didn't get over Justin. But I had suspected something. Dani... she seemed so innocent, she definitely couldn't have done anything. But it turns out she did. And I trusted her so much.

I pushed down on the handle and opened the door and then slammed it shut as I left. I don't care that I have to talk with the headmaster, I already know I'm being kicked out.

For already the second time this year, I'm running away. And this time, nothing can stop me. I just have to get away from this life. It keeps coming back and biting me, even when things get good.

As I walked down the halls, the bell rang and hundreds of students rushed out from the classrooms, not even noticing me.


I tried pushing through the crowd, wanting to get to my locker, but no one seemed to notice me at all, making sure to keep me out.

Well then screw the school, I'll just be on my way without anything then.

In only a matter of time, I made it the the front doors of the school. As I opened them, people all around me gasped.

"The doors are moving by themselves!" someone screamed. Of course they'll pretend like I'm not there. But it was a little unusual. I thought the would say "Ooh! Emma's trying to be bad*ss!"

But I just kept on going, even when people tried closing the doors on me.

I just tried to be strong, and not care about what people were thinking and doing to me, but still I was crying. This is by far one of the worst days of my life. Loosing Dani was something I would never ever get over.

She was my best friend. All those moments we had in only a few weeks, laughing together, fighting together, doing everything together. We were like two peas in a pod, but now the pod was broken. Or she could've just been pretending from the start. Like Niall, like Justin, like Dani.

No, she doesn't deserve to be called Dani. Her name is now Danielle.

But still, how could she have been pretending from the start when she stopped Mia from hurting me, arguing with the lads and helping me become strong. It was something Justin and Niall never did.

I wiped several tears from my cheeks as I walked on the streets, shivering, because my coat was in my locker.

Now, where was there to go this time? Last time I had come as far as the outskirts of London. And that was when it was raining.

Today, the sun was shining, even though it was still slightly cold.

So I just kept walking and walking, ignoring everything around me, as if the only thing I could see was forward.

The only thing I thought about was escape. Escape, escape, escape. Nothing else. I couldn't waste my time thinking about other things. Not how cold it was, not how sad I was about Dani. Absolutely nothing.

As I walked past a beggar on the street, a small force hit a tiny area of my back. But with enough force to knock me over, and I fell forward, onto my face.

"How did you appear out of thin air?" the beggar asked as I looked around.

I did?

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