Chapter 32 ~Stolen~

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Danielle's PoV

"Dani, it's really good," Emma told me, holding the paper in her hands.

"It was meant to be," I replied.

"I want you to publish it," Emma said, handing the words back to me.

"I was planning on it. What about your's?" I asked.

"No. I just want you to keep it as symbol for out friendship, something to savor forever."


"So... you're gone tomorrow."

"I know. But I don't want to be gone."

"Nobody does, but it's something everyone must face. You just got it earlier."

"I know. But it's not easy to accept. It's like accepting an F you got on a test, but still so much harder."

"If we could only have this life for one more day," I whispered as the tears welled up in my eyes.

"I wish that this night would never be over and that I would never have to close my eyes," Emma said, staring at my hands.

Tomorrow, one of my most favorite people, was dying. This wasn't like losing your grandmother because Emma means so much more. We've been through so much more and we're more inseparable. Until now, until tomorrow.

"It's all their fault," Emma said, shaking her head.

"Karma will get them, just you wait."

"I feel like we should move on though. You won't get far in life if they keep pushing you back, Dani."

"At least mom planned on moving. They'll be gone. But I just need to convince your uncle to make them all the way through X-Factor. The six of them have gone pretty far."

"And after that, you need to move on and forget. It's so simple, yet I know it's hard. I know I'll have to do it too, depending on how death really is."

"Are you ready?"

"No, but I understand. It's fate, after all."

"Well just know that you'll always have a place in my heart and that I'll always miss you."

"You only need to say that once because every time you say it, it has so much meaning in it. I understand, Dani. I understand a lot."

"But it gives me comfort when I tell you. I don't care if you already know, I'm just making sure you believe."

"I do, Dani. Don't underestimate me."

"I never think bad about you. Not like everyone else."

Louis' PoV

When I had a day off, I finally made my decision.

I was now at the entrance to the room. I knew Emma was in there, hopefully still breathing.

"Lets go," Liam said, next to me. I nodded and pushed the door open and walked in.

Emma didn't even say anything to the two of us, just looked with mixed emotions.

"Thank you," I finally spoke up.

"For what?" she asked weakly, close to the end of life.

"Everything," I replied. They didn't tell anyone who actually left them in the cottage in the woods. They let us live in peace while they would never be able to do it.

"Why are you here?" she whispered. The girl in front of me was someone completely different from the girl I knew 2 years ago. I had added so many different ingredients that the result was completely different and saddening. And just to think that I had helped cause it made me sick.

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