Chapter 36 ~365~

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Danielle's PoV

I shielded my face as I walked past the paparazzi that were dying to take pictures of me. I just couldn't afford to let people see or take pictures of my face. It was far too embarrassing, and I knew people would judge me, but if I ever asked about it, they wouldn't say a word. The world just worked like that

I wish I hadn't gone alone, I wish I had Emma with me, but I was visiting her now, so I wouldn't be totally alone, if she weren't dead.

Pushing my way through the crowd, I made it to the graveyard, and only people with friends and family in there had access, meaning that the paparazzi wouldn't follow me in here. But they still would wonder why I was here and analyze it. I had to get used to it, though.

I spotted the grave headstone quickly. We had had a funeral several months ago, and I had done a speech, trying not to care about what the other people would think about me. It had worked, but only for those few minutes.

Today, I had pansies, my mom's favorite, and lilies, Emma's favorite. I lay the bouquets of flowers where they should belong, alone with the other flowers that I had put there before. And just looking at the graves made me sad. I was the reason for this, I should be punished. Yet I wasn't.

A little over a year ago, they died. Summer, 2010. Some people would get over family dying be now, but not me. If they get over it easily, then they didn't really love them. I really loved my mom and Emma, and I don't know when I will ever get over it.

I felt the tears roll down my cheeks as I sat on the grass, legs drawn up to my chest. I didn't care about them though, no one saw me, so it was okay.

I couldn't stand looking at them, but I did it anyways. Looking at the graves just made me angry at myself, making them loose their lives. I regret so much, yet I don't regret it either, and I end up confusing myself.

My emotions are just a jumbled mess every single day, and I have no idea how to sort it out, yet I don't want to see a therapist. I know I should, but no one likes therapists, even if they do try and help you, it won't work completely. And why would I want to spill everything to someone I hardly know? I haven't even told my dad the truth, and he's my dad.

"Dani," a voice whispered in my head. I was shocked, but I didn't move at all. I was too numb. "Dani, it's me."

This was my imagination, Emma wasn't talking to me in my head. Magic did exist, but dead talking to the living? I knew it didn't exist.

"Dani," Emma said again. I clutched my head, wanting the voice to get out. Why did I have to be imagining this now? The painful memories this place brought back was enough, but now Emma's voice in my imagination was torture. When would all this torture end?

I jumped up and ran away from the grave as fast as I could when I heard Emma say my name again. When I stopped, I was quite far, stopping by a tree to catch my breath.

"Danielle!" a sharp voice snapped. My head whipped around to the voice, glad that it wasn't Emma's voice in my head.

It was the Council. All three of them, having teleported just now. Just now, and that was for me; probably the worst time.

I knew that they would come around sometime. After all, I had let them down by not succeeding in protecting Emma. Now, they were most likely coming to punish me. What they had in stock for me, I would never know until now.

"I'm so, so, sorry," I told them. I was ashamed, embarrassed, angry, sad. I didn't even know exactly what I was feeling.

"Oh, it's okay. For now," Agamemnon told me. No, this had to be some sort of joke, how were they fine with this?

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