Chapter 24 ~Snatched~

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Emma's PoV

I should've known that this would happen! Why was I so stupid?

I halted, but I had been running so fast that I traveled forward.

"Gotcha," Justin laughed, his arms tightening around my waist.

"No! Let go of me!" I screamed, kicking at the air, trying to get somewhere, but knowing I wasn't.

"Calm down, Emma. It'll all be over pretty soon." Louis said, grabbing my legs.

My arms flailed around, wanting to hold onto something to keep me grounded. And then I wouldn't let go. But nothing came to my hands.

I screamed, wanting someone, anyone's attention. My life failed me though. No one came to rescue. I was dragged away, into the grip of these 6 boys.

"Nice to meet again, Emma," a familiar voice said. My "dad".

My eyes widened as I tried to turn back. Just go anywhere. Anywhere but here.

But 6 boys and one man were too strong for me.

I cried as they were actually able to get me into a van. I didn't want to be here. But there was no escape, no trapdoor, no small hole I could fit through.

"Shut the f*ck up," Zain groaned, placing a wet cloth over my nose. This was the chloroform. They were doing the plan. I was wrong.

I breathed out of my mouth as I closed my eyes, pretending for Zain, but he saw through it immediately and covered my mouth as well. There was no escape or turning away from this.

So I gave in.

The battle's down, my eyes are closed.


"Emma?" someone called out, distraught. It was Dani. I hadn't been kidnapped alone.

"I'm here," I replied softly, feeling the cool floor on my neck through my hair.

"Oh my god, thank god I'm not alone," Dani said as I heard her shuffle closer. She hugged me in a sideways position, and I hugged back slightly.

"Where are we?" she asked after a while.

"Don't you remember? Harry's summer place."

"Where is that?"

"I don't know. I wish I did."

"You wish for a lot, Emma."

"You do too."

"Enough with all this useless chit chat," Louis groaned as the door opened and he came down some stairs.

"I wouldn't exactly call it useless," Dani said.

We still lay down on the ground, hand entwined together tightly, symbolizing our strong friendship.

Louis towered over us along with Justin and Niall.

"Get up," Niall ordered. I was scared to even move a centimeter. As soon as I would get up, something bad would happen to me.

"Naw, the ground is much more cooler," Dani said.

"Oh you like it? How 'bout we lower the temperature so much that you freeze?" Justin asked cockily.

Dani shut her mouth, having nothing to say against it.

"C'mon, get you're lazy arses up," Louis groaned, rocking backwards and forwards on his feet.

"F*ck you," Dani groaned as she stood up. I followed her, she was after all someone I looked up to.

"What did you just say?" Justin asked, gritting his teeth.

"F*ck you," Dani replied simply.

"Remember how you said that you said we were weak?" Louis asked, completely ignoring what she just said.

"Yeah. And you still are."

"B*tch, we're just getting started here," Louis said.

Suddenly, Dani was on the floor, clutching her cheek in pain. Something I had hardly seen her do.

"That hurt!" she protested.

"Don't worry. We'll show you we aren't weak."

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