Chapter 30 ~Danielle~

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Emma's PoV

10 days left.

The clock is ticking.

And for some reason, none of my relatives have visited me. My dad is in Puerto Rico and can't come to London because he doesn't have a visa. I mean, really? Why can't he get a visa for his daughter? And Simon, my uncle, he's too busy on the X-Factor to even know about me.

Actually, my grandparents from my mum's side have visited. But they made no sense at all to me.

"Down with the can I's!" they had kept chanting. Or "Why before 14?"

It was a little scary, having to hear them chant things. They were old people. They shouldn't be chanting things like that.

Dani is the only one who cares about me. And she's been in the hospital for a while too, physical therapy.

Luckily, no one has tried hurting me, no one has even visited me even. So I think I'm fine. Forever now. Because when I die, I'll be in a better place.

I tapped the pencil on the notepad for a while, drumming my fingers with my other hand.

All I had written was:



Front pages all you pictures,

They make you look so small.

Because I remember when I first walked into her house, all those pictures of her, hanging on the walls. From all different ages and times, small and little mainly. When she was younger, but she was stronger than she seemed.

And from there on, I continued, having a meaning behind every single word.

How could someone not miss you at all?

She only had her mum and me. Our mum... she hadn't come yet, for some reason. And I was leaving the world. Dani had no one.

"I never would mistreat ya, oh I'm not a criminal."

Words that she once said to me. Somewhere close to there. Dani had promised she would never hurt me. And she kept it.

"I speak a different language, but I still hear your call."

In so many ways, Dani has helped me and she didn't even really know me, she was from a whole different country, yet she completely changed me.

"Dani, let me be the one to, light a fire in side those eyes. You've been lonely, you don't even know me, but I can feel you crying"

She did all those things to me. She made me realize who I really was, having fire in my eyes again. She was the one who joined me, she didn't make me lonely and she didn't even know me, but she knew I needed someone.

"Dani, let me be the one to lift your heart up and save your life, I don't think you even realize that, baby you'd be saving mine."

Dani had told me that she was broken. Since she fixed me, I have to fix her. I hardly know how, and I feel as if it's impossible, but there's a way somewhere out there.

"It's only been four months but, you've fallen down so far. How could someone mislead you at all?"

Dani came here at the end of March. It's mid-July now. Just about four months and she's already broken. She was so strong from the start, with the forcefield of hers, now it's a weak one and only deflects small things. It only took 4 months.

"I wanna reach out for ya, I wanna break these walls. I speak a different language, but I still hear your call"

I want to still live, break through the barrier between life and death and be with Dani. I had my share of loneliness, and it looks like Dani will be getting hers too.

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