Chapter 1 ~This Is Me~

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Emma's PoV

I sucked in a breath before pressing down on the door handle, making it as slow as possible.

I opened the door and everyone's head snapped towards my direction.

"Why are you late, Emma?" Mr. Scott asked.

"I over slept. I'm sorry," I squeaked. But really, Zain had thought it was funny to lock me in the janitor's closet and wait for the janitor to come and save me.

"Take a seat," Mr. Scott said, pointing to an empty seat in the front row.

I walked up to the front, with my cheeks searing hot and red from embarrassment. Zain's main goal, was to make me embarrassed. How much anger I had for him, he would never know.

I sat down, took me books out and did the normal routine. The whole "me being late" fiasco, blew off within a few minutes, but Harry behind me didn't blow it off.

"Why were you late, Weiss? Huh?" he asked. I couldn't believe we used to be friends, their personalities had just suddenly changed.

"Just shut up," I groaned.

I felt my straight black shoulder length hair move and suddenly, a pencil was making its way in my back.

I bit my lip in order not to scream as Harry drove it in harder. Just concentrate on taking notes, I thought to myself.

"You going to answer me now, Emma?"

"Please stop," I whined, hoping the teacher wasn't hearing anything. His back was turned right now, but who knows how long that could last.

"Tell me," he hissed.

"Because Zain locked me in the janitor's closet, happy?"

"Don't you dare blame it on him!" Harry gasped.

"Harry, please shut you mouth," Mr. Scott said, turning around. The pencil was immediately removed, and I moved forward in my seat, although it was most likely no use. He would get me, one way or another.


I slowly backed up as the boys neared closer and closer to me. My breathing was becoming more rigid every second, but this was something I encountered every single day in my life.

My back suddenly hit the brick wall of the alley, and they rushed forward.

"Don't you know that you shouldn't come late?" Zain asked teasingly.

"Y-yes," I stuttered.

"Then why did you come late to Maths, huh?" Louis asked.

I just wanted to push myself deeper into the wall, disappear from them forever, but fate decided that they didn't want me to.

"Be-because Z-Zain lo-ocked m-me in there," I stuttered in fright. I already knew their reaction. It would be the same one that Harry had this morning.

"What?! You're saying that I did it?!" Zain asked in outrage.

I nodded as I started to feel tears form in my eyes.

"Bull sh*t! Zain would never do that!" Liam said as he slapped my neck. At least it wasn't my cheek.

But seriously, that was something that Zain would do. Embarrass me, his job of the four.

"He d-did, you know that." Tears slowly started rolling down my cheeks, even if I tried my hardest to keep them from doing it.

"Why are you always blaming us?!"

"B-but he seriously d-" I was cut off when Harry slapped my face.

More and more tears slipped out as the stinging got more painful.

"Aw, look at the little b*tch, she's so weak, she's crying," Liam said, speaking as if I were a baby. Which I wasn't. But in there eyes, I was.

I covered my face with my hands, so they wouldn't see my crying eyes, but they were roughly pulled away by Louis.

"Forgetting the rules, hmm?"

"Teach it a lesson," Harry said, tossing something gleaming to Louis.

A knife.

"No, please!" I begged.

"You're not the queen here," he hissed, before taking my wrist. I struggled to get out of his grasp, but Liam and Zain pinned me up against the wall with such strength, my weakness would never be able to get through.

"No cuts here... let's add some for you, hmm?"

I thrashed and squirmed, but no use. The blade rested on my skin. I longed to get it over with, but Louis loved to make me beg. But I wasn't a cutter, and I hated this. I don't believe in cutting. I think it's a bit stupid. What's the use for it? You're making permanent scars in your skin for no reason.

The sharp edge suddenly cut into my skin and went deeper as it drew a line on my skin. Blood seeped out from the fresh wound and I screamed in pain.

"Ha, I bet you like it. You're so f*cked up, B*tch. We all know you like cutting," Liam laughed as he squeezed my vein on the underside of my blood covered wrist. Double the pain from the cutting. Liam, he loved to hurt me with his words. He knew perfectly well how to.

But I didn't respond, Louis just kept cutting my skin and all I could do was scream, nothing else.

"Shut the f*ck up, you're giving me a headache!" Harry yelled, leaning against the wall parallel to me. But I couldn't, the pain was too much to stay quiet.

Some people might call this their worst day ever, but for me this is a normal day. This is me. This is my everyday life.

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