Chapter 7 ~Replaced~

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Emma's PoV

As usual, the school staff had no idea what had happened in the cafeteria. London Academy was always like that. The headmaster, teachers, even the janitor never really saw what was going on. It was like they were blind.

I trudged to my locker slowly, Dani with me. Her locker was right next to mine.

"You know, I feel bad for you, having detention all alone. I want to join you."

"Don't, I wouldn't need it. You there is double the trouble," I sighed, opening my locker door. I wanted her there, but I knew I just couldn't.

"Why do you hate me so much?" she asked randomly.

"I don't hate you."

"Well you act like it."

"Because I can't trust you! I can't trust anyone because I know they'll betray me," I huffed, getting my books for Spanish out.

"Well, there's got to be someone you can trust. Otherwise, you have trust issues." Justin. But do I really trust him? I haven't really told him much about me yet.

"Of course I have trust issues! Who wouldn't if you always get your trust broken?"

"Emma," Dani said sternly, making me face her. "I would never hurt you. Even if you hurt me."

"I don't know if you're lying or not."

"Fine then. I'll just show you that you can trust me. Now. Where's the headmaster's office?"

"Why do you want to go there?"

"To get myself in trouble."

"But she doesn't even see when kids do bad things! This whole school is blind."

"Lets see about that."


I walked into the classroom where detention was being held at, and I made sure that no one could see me.

I was able to find a seat in the back and luckily, I was just on time.

Suddenly, someone slid in next to me.

"Am I too late?" a girl's voice asked. Dani? Oh God, no. She actually made it in to detention?

"Please go away," I groaned.

"Ms. Peazer and Ms. Weiss, stop talking," the headmaster ordered.

I pulled out some homework, glad that one could actually do homework during detention. The first text book I pulled out was Religion. Right, we had to read the new testament of the Bible.

Luckily, Dani didn't talk to me, or I would've been extremely embarrassed. I knew that Harry and Zain were already in detention, and no doubt they were saying things behind my back to other people.

It was usually just the same stuff. I'm a slüt, I'm a wh*re, I crave attention. Why they liked spreading rumors about me that wasn't true, I had no idea. None of anything they said was true, but at the same time, I always wondered if it was actually true. Well, I definitely don't crave attention. But maybe they're right when they say I'm fat?

No, I need to stay strong. I shouldn't listen to them.

But every time I tell that to myself, it always bites me back.

Just as I started reading about how Jesus got executed Jerusalem, something hit my shoulder and then landed right splat on my text book. A paper airplane.

I looked at the direction from where it came from and saw Zain snickering and some other girls giggling along with him.

I looked back at the paper airplane. Should I really open it? I knew what it was most likely going to say inside. Why should I worry?

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