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Emma's PoV

"Wait, can you at least tell my why I'm going back?" I asked. I desperately wanted to know why.

"You have... What should I call it? Tasks?" he replied. Tasks? This sounded like I wasn't a normal human. Tasks that were important. Yet I was only 13, 14 when I went back.

"Okay," I said. I was anxious to get back. Go to Miami as soon as possible and then see Dani again, not talk to her.

"Emma, good luck. And I'll watching you," he told me. Watching me? Of course, he was God.

"Are you ready? It'll be July 29th, by the way," he finally asked. I nodded my head quickly. My heartbeat stepped up in speed. Any moment now. I'd be on earth.

He waved his hand and blue and yellow electricity struck the cloud-ground, creating a hole. Was I supposed to fall through the hole?!

Then, an incredible amount of pain hit me in the chest, and everything went black from there.

In Heaven, we only had three senses. Vision, hearing and touch. But now I had all senses except vision. It felt vastly strange to have taste and smell.

I could smell fresh grass for a peculiar reason. Also salt and a slight gas taste lingered in my mouth.

No matter how widely I opened my eyes, I still saw black. I could feel the free fall feeling and the wind pushed my arms up, feeling the cold as well. The wind howled in my ears.

Weightless was how I mainly felt.

Suddenly, a tunnel of light appeared and I could see again. But there was no end, it was just colors and colors. I was zooming through the tunnel, and the free fall feeling disappeared, becoming incredibly hot.

I begged for these things to stop, just to be back already. I had immense pain every where, and it had been a while since I really felt physical pain.

I wanted to close my eyes and stop seeing the colors that blinded me. But my body disobeyed me.

Finally, everything became still and normal. And it felt good to feel normal.

I was breathing, my heart was pumping, something I hadn't felt for a while. The feeling was amazing, having just smelt nature. Now I was breathing fresh air. I was also warm from the blood.

There were still small traces of the colors I had seen, but they disappeared after a while, letting me see where I was.

I was in a bed, in a bedroom.

This was my real home, I told myself.

"Emma! Despertarse! Nos estamos moviendo a la América de hoy! Emma! Wake up! We're moving to America today!" a foreign masculine voice called. It wasn't English this time. It was Spanish, a language I had been studying since the fifth grade. It was good that I did.

My dad had called me.

My real dad.

Who really loved me.

I'm finally back.

I threw the covers aside. I was too hot, having just been through several hundred degrees Celsius.

The clothes I was wearing was a variation of the clothes I was wearing when I was in Heaven. Instead of normal clothing, they were pajamas. They didn't look to great, but I didn't care. No one was around to judge me.

I got out of my bed and saw the several boxes in my room. Deliveries of the things I told God I wanted, or the moving boxes. Probably both.

When he had asked for which phone I wanted, I had asked for the most popular version. A white box lay on my still not packed bed side-table.

I walked closer to it to observe it. "iPhone" it said on the lid and both long sides. On one shorter side was a simple apple with a bit out of it.

After unpacking it, I looked at the flat white phone. How could it be so flat? So much data, 16 gigabytes, would never be able to fit in here, let alone the battery.

As well the phone, there was a small manual, a USB plug (probably the charger) and headphones.

"Emma!" I heard my dad call again. Right, I was supposed to wake up now.

As I put down the phone, I saw my reflection in the black screen. I gasped at how different I looked.

No more straight hair, it was a little curly now. I bit my lip as it reminded me of Dani's super curly hair. I hoped she wouldn't worry about not being able to communicate me today.

As well as the different hair, I had more softer skin.

For the first time in several years, I felt beautiful. The girl in the reflection couldn't be me. I never had looked like that before. And I didn't ask God to make me look like this.

But if he had changed me without telling me, I thanked him. I looked so beautiful, how did he even know that this would look beautiful to me?

No matter what happened though, just this, another small change, made me get over what had happened a little more. They were just small changes, but they were helping me.

Danielle's PoV

The clearing with the graves that I knew so well came into view, and my stomach churned, knowing that this would probably be my last time to talk to Emma.

I passed by my mom's headstone, and I knew Emma's was next, but instead, there was nothing. Just grass as if no one had ever touched or been close to that place.

As soon as I saw it, I wanted to cry. Not from pain, from happiness. Emma really was the Chosen One. She had come back.

I touched the grass, making sure what I was seeing was real or not. It wasn't an illusion.

Where had Emma came back though? Sophie was in America right now... not where my dad was, but in Florida. Somewhere there. If Emma arrives there, then I'm getting there as soon as possible.

I left both bouquets of flowers in my mom's grave and then ran out of the cemetery with a sudden burst of happiness.

I pushed my way through the mobs of paparazzi, ignoring everything they had to say. The only thing I could concentrate on was getting to America as soon as possible. Back to my birth country.

"I'm coming, Emma," I whispered to myself as I ran.

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