Chapter 11 ~Trash~

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Emma's PoV

"Why are you here?" I hissed.

"Because I saw you on the news. So you're parents kicked you out, huh? Need a home?"

"Dani. I'm not going back to my old life, and since you are part of my old life, get out," I huffed, walking away. But she grabbed my arm.

"Emma! You don't get it. There is now 'new life' for you. To have a new life, you need to die and then come back. And you haven't died yet."

"Lifestyle," I corrected.

"Why can't you feel at least a bit grateful that my mom drove here for you?"

"I am, but you didn't need to."

"Emma, look, I know that your life sucks at the moment, but it will get better. And if you die now, then you'll never get to experience the better part. Only the bad part. So stay now, and it will pay off later. I took in her words.

"Fine. I'll stay, but where do I live?"

"With us, of course! C'mon! Let me put your things in the trunk and we can start driving," Dani said, opening the trunk.

I couldn't believe she was doing this to me. I wanted to stay here. It was better than my old home.

Dani grabbed my bag, but I pulled it back.

"Give it to me," she said.

"No!" Several people turned to look at us, but continued walking.

"Emma," she warned.

"You're doing this against my will!"

"It's for your own good."

"No, it's for my own bad!"

"Emma, I'm telling the truth, why can't you listen? I'm trying to help you but all you do is complain! And you are worse here than you are back in the city! Here you have no home, and there you do!"

"I have no home in both places."

"What if my mom adopted you?"

"I still don't want to go back."

"Mom," Dani sighed.


Suddenly, I felt something hit the side of my head. I touched it, but felt nothing. Probably imagination or something, right?

And at that moment, I wanted to go back. Back to my hometown.


It was the third time I was going to skip school this week. I just couldn't go back to school. It was Friday, and my parents always came back late on a Friday. I'm going back to my old place.

Dani, she didn't come either. She always stuck with me, wherever I went as if she was gum on my shoe. What was her problem? I could tolerate this world alone, I didn't need anyone's help.

"Are we going to go outside today?" Dani asked, as she zipped up her ruck sack.

"Yes," I replied quietly.

"Yes! Where?"

"My old place."

"What? Why?"

"Because I'm going to trash that place and get my things back. And no, I don't want you coming."

"Too bad," she said.

"Why are you always a parasite on me?" I huffed.

"Because you need protection."

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