Chapter 37 ~All This Time~

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Danielle's PoV

"You know, if you look back, so much has happened all this time haven't been here," I said out loud, reading the way too familiar words again and again.

Emma Peazer

August 2, 1997 - July 10, 2010

"You've pretty much told me everything though," she replied, making me smile from just hearing her voice in my head.

"I know. Almost all of my songs have been published, though."

"Moments... Why would they do such a thing?"

"I don't know why. They're insane. But at least I had a copy on my computer."

"Speaking of them, how's the revenge recently?"

"They're on tour right now. I honestly hate seeing their faces wherever I walk. And the annoying thing is, they get more love than hate."

"Their lives are stressed, that's kind of close. And Dani, I think we'll be able to get revenge soon."

"Together? Emma, stop. You know I hate not being with you. Even just talking to you like this pains me. Don't remind me."

"Sorry- hey, I need to go. Talk with you tomorrow?"

"Sure. I'm flying out to the states tomorrow evening. My dad's been there for a while, and I'll be there until Christmas or something. Just warning you."

"Okay. Maybe ask Simon to teleport you here or something. If only there wasn't some stupid 10 meter rule. Oh, and our mum says hi."

"I do too. Now, go. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"See you soon."

"Bye, Emma."

I looked at the ground sadly as I walked down the brick path. I would be stuck in America for a while. No talking to Emma, and she was the key ingredient to me living. Without her, I'd probably be dead with her. Which, wasn't a bad idea, but I had important things to do.

All I really hoped for in the U.S. was that I wouldn't have to encounter One Direction. We were both going to be in America at the same time. At least so I thought.

Every time I've met them, it's been the most awkward experience. We don't talk much to each other, trying to keep the secret from Simon. We don't even do anything for each other at all. If Emma had lived until now, we wouldn't have minded that we would meet them. She would have had her powers.

But I tried my best to forget about Emma now and focus on walking through the streets of London. As soon as I walked out though, flashes blinded me, making me see just blue, green and red spots on a white background.

I could feel my eyes tearing up from the strong lights, but I tried not thinking about what the other people would think of me.

I made it home after having to get into a taxi and asking the driver to shake off the paparazzi.

At home, I did the only thing that really calmed me down.

Writing a song.

Louis's PoV

"You still have the paper?" I asked Liam when we were alone in the hotel room.

He nodded, knowing exactly what I meant.

"I've already typed exactly what it says. And I still have the original," he said, taking his laptop from the side-table and opening it up. He opened up Microsoft Word and scrolled through several files until he came to one called "Diana/Dani".

When I saw the words again, I was immediately reminded of the past, but I tried forgetting it. I only wanted to go in One Direction, that's why we were called that.

It was easier to forget about then it was for Danielle. I knew she still had it hard, and I felt incredibly guilty, with nothing to do about it.

"We should... call it Diana. So that no one suspects anything," Liam finally said after we had been quiet for a while.

"Yeah, I agree. Change all the 'Dani's to 'Diana'. I think it could go with one of the tunes we have."


Niall, Zayn and Harry read the song lyrics with surprised faces.

"Did you lads seriously write a song about Danielle and Emma?" Niall asked, his eyes slightly more wet than usual.

Liam and I looked at each other before nodding.

"That was quite stupid, you should realize that. How are we supposed to sing it when it will bring back memories?" Harry asked.

"I get it. They wrote it to make us be able to forget about it easily," Zayn said. I only nodded. I couldn't let them know it was originally written by Emma. They would definitely not like Liam and I for doing that.

Emma's PoV

If only Dani could know I would be going back tomorrow. Then she wouldn't be so sad.

I couldn't wait to surprise her when she saw my face for real. And then we would hang out with each other, forgetting about everything else.

The same creepy man from 3 years ago grabbed my arm. I said goodbye to my mum, wishing that I could've stayed dead to be with her. She was alone.

Once we were in the same building as before, I knew I had several minutes before I was leaving. Back to reality, earth and away from this dream. Heaven was a dream because it was too perfect to be reality.

I honestly missed the small hardships that I had. Not the big ones, but the small ones. They made me strong and understand the world more. I was about to get it back.

"So, you will be waking up in your fathers place in Puerto Rico. I will brainwash him to make him think you have been there the whole time. Then, you two will move to Miami, Florida in America. And since you have no other clothes, accessories and such, I will give you several. All clear?" God asked as soon as we were inside the building.

I nodded, taking it all in. Moving to Miami? That meant that Dani and Simon knew about me coming back. Why else would they had gone to America?

But why did he have to chose Miami for me specifically? I opened my mouth to ask him, but he told me not to ask any questions. Just what I wanted when I came back.

So I told him everything I wanted, some things I couldn't have, but eventually I had all my things planned out.

"And before you go, I want you to meet someone," he said, waving his hand.

When he took his hand away, I saw a woman holding a golden worn out book.

"Emma!" she gasped, running up to me and hugging me, the book pressing into my back.

"Um... hi?" I said nervously. Who was she?

"Emma, I'm your mother," she said. I would've just about fainted, if this wasn't Heaven. How come I hadn't seen her for three years web I wandered around in Heaven?

"You are?" I asked.

"Yes, and we don't have much time, but I want you to take this book. When you wake up, it will be with you," she explained, placing old book in my outstretched hands when she pulled away from the hug.

"Thank you," I told her. My mother. She was beautiful with stunning dark brown hair. I wish I was beautiful as her, but I know I'll never be good enough.

"Emma, no matter what, remember that I'll always love you," she said, kissing my forehead. We had only met for a few minutes or so, but I could already feel the love connection.

"I love you too, mum."

I reached in for another hug, but only got air.

"Times up. You're going back now."

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