Chapter 26 ~Rules~

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Emma's PoV

The door opened not so long later. I knew what they were going to do.

Make us learn the rules.

Rules? Really? Does bullying really need rules when it's already defying other rules? This was so one-sided, more than anything else.

"Ey! The other one hasn't had much recently," I heard Zain complain.

I knew exactly who he was talking about. Me.

Dani has probably had all the pain that I had in two years added all together. And it was a lot. I don't even know how she's still living, let alone in a coma or something.

After hearing what Zain said, I was paralyzed. I couldn't move. They would do something extremely bad to me. This was, after all, their second to last day here.

There was no sound from me, I didn't dare flinch when I heard them come closer. Because even if I did, they would always catch me in the end. They had a head start.

For now they're winning, but they are the hares. I am the tortoise. Moving slowly but never stopping. They will fall asleep at one point, stopping. Then I will win. I just need to wait for them to stop and fall asleep, like the race between the tortoise and the hare.

Exactly like that.

One of them picked me up, carrying me over their shoulder as if I weighed nothing. I didn't bother fighting this time. I already lost. Only for now, though.

I was carried into a room, which sunlight poured into through the windows. And after being in a dark basement for several days, the light hurt my eyes, making them water.

"Aww, look she's already crying," Justin laughed, pointing to my face. I squinted, trying to stop the water flow, but it just got worse.

"She's so weak? God," Harry chuckled. Couldn't they understand that it was the bright light?! How do they not know that common piece of knowledge?

"It's the light," I said quietly, none of them even bothered to listen.

Liam set me down on the ground, and my legs shook from not having stood up for so long.

"She's even crippled. Wow, never noticed before," Niall said. Why didn't they get it was their fault that I was doing all these things? I felt so embarrassed, but I reminded myself that this is my second to last day. Then I can survive. Try to move on and not have these hardships anymore.

I was suddenly pushed into a chair and tied before I could even blink. Six against one isn't fair.

I struggled against the rope, but it was tied tightly and pressed into my skin, sure to leave marks after a while.

"Should we recap to rules, or do you already know them?" Louis asked, crouching down on the floor, making eye contact with me. I looked away, not wanting to see his eyes that hid his evil mind.

"Face me when I talk," he ordered, roughly grabbing my head and turning it so that I looked at him.

"Now answer the question."


"No? Okay. Lets see how good your memory is." What?! They hadn't even given me a chance to say what I wanted! I had no idea what these "rules" were. I don't ever remember telling me the rules.

"We'll do it this way, lads," Louis said, facing the others as he stood up.

"If she says something wrong, just a little, she gets punished. Punishment depends on how off it is," Louis described. And what happens when I actually say something right?

I didn't bother asking it. I already knew my fate. Even if I were "right", they would still hurt me anyways. Liam had said it was like a drug. They couldn't stop once they started.

"So, what was rule one?" Louis asked suddenly, dragging me back to reality.


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