Chapter 33 ~Lost~

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Danielle's PoV

The door slammed shut, and I immediately turned my head, a reflex.

Louis and Liam were gone. They left because we had started talking about the stolen song. They stole it. They have done so many things already, when will they stop?! Their apologies weren't real.

I thought I would be saying "they bullied me" for the rest of my life, but no. I'm still saying "they bully me".

They just took away the only thing I had left of Emma. One day, when they fall and I rise, I will get my revenge. Sometimes, the underdogs rise and the mighty fall. Yes, what goes up must come down.

So they better watch out.

"They took it, didn't they?" Emma asked. I nodded solemnly.

"Why can't we just live life with no consequence?" she asked.

"I don't know, Emma. I don't know."

"Dani, I just want to say that when I die, move on. We don't need to mope around just because of six boys. And yes, I did die but you will too, but don't do it yet. Don't die until it's you time because you deserve to have a life. Move on, Dani. That's all I'm saying. It's the most important thing," Emma said.

"I promise I will, Emma. Promises aren't meant to be broken."


We were silent for a while, listening to the heart monitor, which was still going normally.

"I want my last words to be this: Dani, I love you," Emma said.

I held her hand, watching the green line and its zigzags, wanting this moment to be over, I couldn't take it any longer. I knew the pain would come anytime soon.

The tears were falling and I was going nothing against it. I was losing Emma. Once I loose my mom, I'll have no one unless I'm married at that time.

And then, the long beep came. Emma's heart no longer pumping blood around her body.

I knew that at any time, doctors would come rushing in, but I still wanted to be with Emma. I didn't ever want to leave her side, I wanted to still be with her.

But I would never be able to beat the game of time. They would come soon and kick me, so I left on my own, knowing that if there was a funeral, I could be with her briefly again.

I shut the door slowly, knowing that I'd never get to see her for real ever again. She was getting locked away from me now, and whoever locked her up threw away the key.

I didn't even want to be reminded of what just happened. Watching your sister/best friend die makes your heart gain a weight. It felt harder to walk with my heavy heart weighing, I felt like I was stumbling through.

I had to now go back to my room in the hospital, and now have no one to talk to. The only person who kept me company here in this hospital was Emma. Now she was gone.

Frustrated, I took the note pad with "Oath" on it and flipped to a new empty page.

I scribbled "Moments" on the top.

As I was in the chorus section, the door opened.

"Someone would like to see you," a nurse said. It could be the kanay from last time but I didn't smell rotten eggs. I smelled more of a rose smell.


"Let them in," I told the nurse, wiping some tears away and putting away the notepad and pen.

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