Peter Facinelli as Tâtsâ Ca'ana (father of Storm, Alotren, Jinx, and Maya)

Peter Facinelli as Tâtsâ Ca'ana (father of Storm, Alotren, Jinx, and Maya)

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Tom Hiddleston as Loki

Tom Hiddleston as Loki

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-18 BBY-

Kina, Tarom, Gida, and I were surrounded by my older sister, Jinx and several Inquisitors, Jedi Hunters. We had nowhere to run, trapped in the caves of Ilum. As I looked back at Jinx, I could barely recognize her. Jinx's eyes, which were once silver, were now yellow and her pale skin was now red with black markings.

"'ve changed..." I trailed off, looking at her in horror and shock.

"I have been enlightened, sister." She corrected.

"More like corrupted." Tarom sneered.

"Or brainwashed." Kina added.

Jinx narrowed her eyes at them. "Nice group of friends you got. It would be a shame to watch them die."

My heart clenched. I couldn't believe her words. They were once her friends too. How could she have turned? It was something I still couldn't believe.

"Enough!" I snapped. "Let us go or-"

"Or what, Storm?" Jinx scoffed, cutting me off. "You'll fight us? Sister, join me...join the dark side."

"Never!" I rebuked.

"Our beloved mother hid from us something that I discovered from Darth Sidious himself." She mentioned.

"What about?" I inquired, unsure whether this would be a lie or not.

"Our father was a Sith pureblood and a Dathomirian Zabrak. It's why my skin can turn red." Jinx explained. "And you can do it as well."

My stomach dropped. No, that's a lie. That was impossible. We are half Echani and half human, that's all. Nothing more, nothing less. I violently shook my head. "I refuse to believe in this repulsive lie."

"Lie? It's no lie, dear sister. We have Sith, Dathomirian, and Zabrak blood running in our veins. The reason we can control when our skin turns red is due to the Sith blood, which we inherited from our beloved father. His father was a Sith pureblood." She clarified with a sinister grin. "Maya didn't believe me, nor did she want to join me. So she left me no choice."

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