83. Train wreck

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"Unbreak the broken
Unsay these spoken words
Find hope in the hopeless
Pull me out of the train wreck
Unburn the ashes
Unchain the reactions, I'm not ready to die, not yet
Pull me out of the train wreck"

~James Arthur

Omniscient pov

Kennedy sighs as she pulls into the driveway of the house seeing only one other car in it , and it's vons . Durk and juju left out so von could be alone to calm down , so that when Kennedy came back home they could settle their problems without a crowd egging them on , which is what they didn't need .

Something in kennedys stomach is telling her just to wait and do some house chores before bothering him to stall but she can't be afraid of her own relationship. It's time for her to face some truth and the only way they can resolve anything is to be straight up about it without beating around the bush .

It's some stuff she has to get off her chest and he has plenty to say to her . Starting with the information she doesn't know that he found out today . And it all had to be laid out at the same time no matter how hurtful the outcome is she has to be prepared . She has to go in expecting the worse .

"I love you "she mumbles to herself kissing her engagement ring thinking of Von letting her positive thoughts about him take over while she gets out the car making her way to the door .

She twist it open to see if it's unlocked, which it is then walks in slowly seeing all the lights off making the house almost pitch black .

She furrows her eyebrows then struggles to find a light switch stumbling over things on the floor before flicking it on and looking out into the house immediately jumping back startled by a staring von sitting on the couch.

"Oh my god you scared the hell out of me "she exhales holding her chest while he keeps the same expression not moving a muscle.

She calms down her breathing and looks at him noticing his blood shot red eyes and tear stained face almost immediately turning on her nurturing side completely forgetting all about her plan when first entering the house .

"Baby what's wrong with you ? "She asks slowly approaching him a little timid on reaching out to hold him just case she's the problem and he's waiting to snap on her .

He sighs loudly and shakes his head before looking up at her and responding "king ain't mine "he tells her simply making her face drop immediately. She wanted to asks 'what ?' Out of pure shock but she didn't want him to repeat it again after hearing all the hurt in his voice when saying it the first time .

In the beginning she did have her doubts and even went as far as to testing the kids herself . But after being mature enough to let it go , that's just what she did , and now hearing that his son really isn't his is affecting her way differently then she thought it would .

She never wanted this day to actually come . The day when von found out that his baby mother lied and that he's been raising a child That's not actually his . She knows his heart is broken and anything personal they have going on doesn't matter anymore . She has to make sure he's okay , forget her feelings .

"How do you know ?" She asks sitting next to him on the couch

"Kitty sent a letter Hea talkin bout child support and when I asked Jeff about it he said she couldn't cause it was already in the system that he wasn't mind "he shakes his head biting his lip hard trying not cry about it again .

"I'm sorry von " she mumbles knowing this is partially her fault as well .

Even though von needed to know this information from the beginning, after validaty genetics did the paternity test for her they logged it in the system under both of their names so no matter where they go or what they try to do it's no running from the fact that the baby isn't his . It's already logged and recorded. It was just a matter of time before he found out the truth anyways

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