80. Clout

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"Do anything for clout (Anything)
They do anything for clout (Anything)
Do anything for clout (Anything)
They do anything for clout (Clout)


Omniscient pov

Kennedy sits quietly at one of the tables at the back of the live strip club waiting for her special guest to show up and begin their meeting .

She decided that If her and von are going to get married and start this luxurious life together, than all loose ends and strings need to be handled. She tried with lanora , she tried with Kayla , but now she has to try with the biggest problem of them all...

"Kitty " she smiles watching kitty as she strolls to the table with a tight smirk on her face and a mocking expression.

"Kennedy " she flashes a fake smile back as she sits down across from her "I expected to see you here " she chuckles

"Hmm I bet you did " Kennedy says trying not show the hatred she has for kitty on her face . She wanted to keep everything calm and classy so her goal can be accomplished of allowing von to see king again and her having nothing to do with it . She doesn't know how she's going to start it but she felt like she has a decent mouth piece on her so it may work .

"If you're here on vons behalf to beg for forgiveness tell him I don't play the he say she say game " she says with an attitude as Kennedy let's her smile drop not being able to control herself

"Actually I just came to see you in your natural habitat but I see that your off your feet at the moment " she says back as kitty completely frowns looking her up and down "and von won't be apologizing for a damn thing " she tells her sternly

Oh girl please "she scoffs "you still think you special cause you holding on to that lil spot by his side like he really give a damn about you ?" she chuckles trying to get under Kennedy skin while she just gives her a blank stare letting her talk "you ain't nothing but a in-house hoe , and it's not hard to get your spot snatched up "

"So why haven't you snatched it yet ? " Kennedy asks her with a small smile on her face

"Bitch don't nobody wanna be with Von " she mugs

"Yeah right " Kennedy starts you moved all the way out here with a baby from him and still let little ole Kennedy move from Chicago in the house you want to live in , with the man you want to be with , and the baby you hoped you had that would keep him around" Kennedy drags out making kittys emotions come out " let's not get bold if you're not in the position to be bold okay ? "

"Don't think cause you pregnant I won't beat yo ass " she snaps aggressively finally breaking down

"Sure "Kennedy chuckles amused "that's cute but best believe when I drop this baby in a few months you already got an ass whooping due so let's keep it cute " she says and kitty looks at her seeing her serious expression then rolls her eyes

"Why are you here anyways Kennedy ? " she asks tired of feeling threatened by Kennedys bold presence .

She thought that von sent Kennedy to apologize and try to patch things up so she can continue to hold them by a string with king but seeing as that it's the complete opposite is making her nervous.

"Well " Kennedy starts , holding up the bag she brought with all kings Christmas toys in them " I came to give you these and to make you a deal " Kennedy says giving her the bag .

Kitty snatches out her hand and looks through it chuckling a little " who are these for ? " she asks knowing the answer but just wanted to get a good laugh hearing it

"There for king " Kennedy says in a Duh tone while kitty chuckles "is something funny ? " she asks confused " Do you not celebrate Christmas or something?"

"Do you not get mail at your house ? " she asks in the same tone and Kennedy furrows her eyebrows confused on what she's talking about

"Excuse me ?" She questions while kitty looks at her expression realizing that she hasn't heard the news yet making this moment even funnier than before

"Nothing continue " she nods wanting to be entertained

"Well" Kennedy clears her throat " I'm willing to offer you a good amount of money for von to have full custody of king " she says pulling out some papers from her bag while kitty frowns immediately

"Tuh " kitty scoffs "you think My son can be bought ? " she asks

"Oh Cmon " Kennedy chuckles "don't try to play the super mom role with me kitty " she starts "we all know your struggling to make ends meet with him and truthfully if von wasn't financing your condo you would have no where to stay and barely enough to get by out here . I know you not making much being a stripper , I mean you don't have no booty - "

"I'm doing just fine thank you " kitty interrupts her getting offended " and von doesn't need to do a damn thing for us , we're going to always be straight "she says confidently

"Eh it sounds nice " Kennedy shrugs "but everyone has a price " she drags out pushing the papers in front of kitty for her to read "this is a contract stating that if you receive your asking amount of money that you will stop prohibiting king to be with his father , let him live with us indefinitely,and let von raise him correctly " she says certain that this will work .

She knows kitty can't afford to raise king on her own and instead of them going to the courts getting her rights fully taken away , she's attempting to give her and von an easier way out of the situation at hand . No judges , no fighting , just a simple contract. No harm no foul

Kitty reads over the papers and let's a smile dance on her lips while she chuckles and picks up the pen signing the dotted lines

"Well that wasn't so hard was it ? " Kennedy asks happily

"Nope not at all " kitty chuckles

"You can come visit him whenever you'd like " she tells her sweetly while kitty nods and laughs .

"You know " she starts amused " you have to be a sick person to try to make me sign out of my sons life "kitty spats at her getting upset slamming the pen on the table "you think I'm some kind of junkie ? "

"Yes I do " Kennedy nods unapologetically

"Well you know what I think ?" Kitty asks her

"What is that ? " Kennedy asks

"I think you need to check in with your husband before you start passing contracts out " she chuckles getting up " you might've missed a few details while you were typing this up " she smiles handing Kennedy the paper then walking off away from the tables .

Kennedy watches her for a second then looks down at the contract and looks at the dotted lines reading what she signed

Fuck you !see you in court

Kennedy sighs loudly slamming the paper on the table then looks up to find kitty, and sees she disappeared then decides to go back to the car .

She can honestly say she attempted to make this better but might've just made it worst . Kitty is way to stubborn and way to petty to ever be okay with giving von full custody but Kennedy honestly thought bribing her with money would work . Or at least keep them from struggling in court with a case .

Truthfully she's afraid that vons record and kittys innocent face will keep king away for certain and that's something she didn't want to happen . She knew loosing king forever would hurt von more than anything so she wants to do everything she can to prevent that . Little does she know there's nothing she can do to fix it . It's over already.

She gets in the car slamming it then watches as her phone lights up indicating a text making her groan out loudly, not in the mood to talk to anyone .

Kayla - the party finna start you might as well push up 🤫

She reads over the text the shakes her head letting out a long sigh before shrugging and starting up her car .

"Awe what the hell not like vons looking for me " she says to herself starting the route

Kennedy - I'm otw

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