- Chapter TWENTY EIGHT -

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Yasmin opened the door and a huge frown was settled on her lips. "What are you doing here?" She questioned, looking Dante up and down. "Get-."

"Look, Yasmin. I know you hate me a lot and that's fine. I'd hate myself too. Can we just talk about something? Really quick? Out here?"

She sighed, stepped out of the house, and closed the door. "You have 5 minutes to explain yourself."

Taking a deep breath, he collected his words and got ready to present his case. "Lorenzo is insane." He let out, causing Yasmin to snort.

"Yeah, we all know that." She scoffed.

"You don't understand. He's actually f*cking insane and he's taking this obsession for Carlota too seriously and it's f*cking weird now. You think in high school I didn't have some sort of feelings for Carlota? Of course I f*cking did. She's amazing. I didn't act on those feelings because Lorenzo was so obsessed over her and he was my older brother so I had to obey."

"When Carlota stopped texting him while they were in their long distance relationship he started getting all upset and moody about it. When he finally moved back to see her he was planning on finding a job here just to be close to her and keep an eye on her but then there was Landon and he didn't know how to compete."

"He hates Landon with a passion, f*ck I hate Landon with a passion so when we found out they broke up, from Carly's mom, he used it as an opportunity and was overjoyed when she was pregnant with his child."

"Geez, Dante. This story is so interesting right now, but if you don't mind, I have to get back to my girlfriend." Yasmin yawned.

"Right. Look, Lorenzo faked the DNA tests and those law documents. He's doing this to get back with Carlota. Please, I'm sick and tired of my brother being this in love with her. Please help me let Landon understand they're fake and maybe move away with Carlota so they'll have peace."

Yasmin thought about those words and smirked. "Actually," She began opening her door, walking in with Dante. "You're going to tell Landon and I actually know how. You and Carlota are going to Landon's sister's school and then the school will call Landon regarding Annie and he'll come rushing to save her. It's a brilliant idea." She giggled. "I'll call her now."


After explaining everything to Annie a smile lit up her face. "I finally get involved in your juicy love story?" She asked, squealing. "Finally!"

"Look, the school has already called Landon and he's on his way. I just want to see him and Dante over here is going to explain everything to him, beginning to the end." She said, glaring at Dante.

Despite his noble sacrifice, Carlota didn't believe he was truly a good person. "I still hate you, Dante." She added, slumping in her chair.

"That's fair enough. If things don't work out with you and Landon, I'm always here." He smirked.

"You thirsty simp." She muttered, shaking her head.

Landon came into view and Annie got up to hug him. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Me, I'm totally fine." She chuckled. "I've just missed your ugly face so much." She said, hugging him tighter.

"Leighanne please, I'm not in the mood for this." He sighed, pulling her away. "Can I go now? Or do you want to come home with me? I bought us a new house. A house, not an apartment."

"Yes, I'd love to go home with you. As a family." She nodded her head. Landon gave her a weird look and began walking towards the exit. "Landon, as a family. Carlota, let's go!"

His body began to tense up and the mention of her name. "F*ck." He mumbled, which Annie heard.

"You just cussed? Now I can cuss in front of you." She chuckled, pulling Landon towards her. "Now please just listen. 5 minutes and you can go back drinking. I'll be in the car."

Carlota gave him an awkward smile while he gave both her and Dante a frown. "Landon, can you please just listen to him?"

"The DNA tests are fake." Dante stated, giving him the real DNA tests. "Look. After Lorenzo got the results back and found out they really weren't his he faked them. These are the real ones. You have to believe Carlota more often."

He looked at them and sighed. "Okay," He simply let out and dropped it on the floor. "Is that it?"

Her mouth fell open at his reaction. "Okay? Is that it? Are you f*cking insane Landon! I've gone through so much sh*t from both you and Lorenzo. I survived a house fire with a baby in my f*cking stomach and all you're giving me is 'okay' and 'is that it'? Are you-."

"I'm not a fan of admitting I'm sorry. Truthfully these past days have been sh*t without you. I get I shouldn't have made that irrational decision by ignoring you but don't make me say sorry in front of him."

They looked over to Dante who had a smug smile on his face. She rolled her eyes and turned back to look at him. "Either you apologize for being a d*ck or I walk out of here forgetting you."

He smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "We all know you're not going to forget about me. We've been together for almost 4 years. Like-."

"Landon King, saldré andando de aquí si te atreves a darme ese tono." She said, guessing Landon probably didn't understand what she was saying. He smirked. [Spanish Translation: I will walk the hell out of here if you dare give me that tone]

"Lo siento," He whispered, kissing her lips. Little did she know Landon started learning a bit of Spanish so he could pick up a few words from her sentence. "I've missed you, and I'm really sorry for being the biggest a*s to you." [Spanish Translation: I'm sorry]

"Landon you can't keep doing stuff like this to me and I'll forgive you just like that. You actually have to change and when I mean change I mean give up your ways for good."

He thought long about what she said and contemplated what he could do to show his love for her. "Carlota you know I'm not a romantic person whatsoever. But if I make you my wife will you stay?"

Her eyes lit up when he said this and a huge grin took over her features. "Let's see that ring first."


Maybe I was speding things up a little? At least they got together right? 

I was going to end the book like this but I was like, Hell No, you guys need more information.

So tomorrow's chapter is going to be a time skip of like a few months ish. Let's just say the child is born.


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