- Chapter SIXTEEN -

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Her lips were pressed against his own as his hands gently gripped her a*s. For once Landon King needed a taste of his own medicine and Carlota was going to be the one to give it to him. She didn't want Gabriella and Marianna to walk in on her with someone other than Landon so she locked the door. She didn't need them thinking their mother was a slut.

She pulled away when she heard someone trying to enter. A smirk made its way to her lips.

"Why are you smiling?" Isaac asked, confused.

"Carlota, open the door. It's just me." Landon's voice said, with a subtle smile.

"No, no, no, no. You told me this was your place." He said, pushing her off. "I haven't had anything to do with Landon King for 2 years and I'd like to keep it that way." He got off the bed and saw Landon.

The smile on his lips was no longer present. "Isaac? What the hell are-."

"Landon please don't get mad. I don't want anything to do with you anymore. I didn't know Carlota was back with you. She called me over to hook up and-."

"She called you!?" He shouted, shoving him out the way. "Carlota, what the f*ck is this for?" He growled.

"Oh, please. We're not in a real relationship, Landon. Or are you going to say I'm a bloody hookup?"

"That's overused, Carlota! I used that when we didn't have children together. I-." He sighed and looked at his floor. "Please get out, Isaac." He whispered, taking Isaac off guard.

He didn't want to trigger anything so he just walked out.

"Typical, you're not going to fight for me. Doesn't surprise me." She scoffed, getting off the bed.

"I need to understand why you would just do that for no f*cking reason. What did I do to you?"

"What did you do to me? Elizabeth came inside here saying she brought a condom. You've been f*cking her behind my back! You made it as if you were still in love with me and I was the only woman you bother yourself with."

"But you are. I haven't had sex with her in a while."

"Bullsh*t. That's why you never stayed at my parent's house for long. You've been seeing her. And I bet there are condoms to prove it."

She opened all his drawers, furiously, desperate to find a condom. Just one. Lying around for her to expose him with. She checked under her bed to see a box. "What's this Landon?" She asked, pulling it out.

The box opened to be the gift he bought for her, for her 20th birthday. She forgot to get this back.

She throws it to the other side of the room. "So you've been bare in her?" She mumbled, trying to justify her actions.

"What are you even saying anymore? You're obviously in the wrong here Carlota. You have no right to bring boys into my house!"

"Your house?" She asked.

"You only live here because of our kids."

"You know what Landon King? You're right! This is your place. This can never be our place! We can never go back to how things were because you don't have a dumb girlfriend you can easily manipulate this time."

"You can't think it's easy for me, Carlota. It's hard when you're treating me like sh*t in front of everybody."

She froze knowing she'd regret what she was going to say, but sighed, preparing herself to say it anyway. "Why didn't you die in that house fire with your parents." She snapped, walking into the bathroom.


She came out of the room after her long shower. It was to avoid Landon.

To her surprise, Landon was watching a movie with the two of them with a smile on his face. It confused Carlota to the point she thought what happened in the bathroom was her imagination.

"What are we watching?" She asked, sitting next to Landon.

He shrugged. "Some weird Barbie movie about mermaids."

"Oh, I loved this movie as a kid." She informed. "I'm also sorry about what happened in there." She added, nervously.

He turned to smile at her and peck her lips. "Nothing happened in there."

After the movie, Landon and Carlota put the two in bed and closed their door. "Finally." She sighed, with a small smile on her lips. "For Gabi and Mari's party, I was thinking-."

"Don't bother. I've already planned everything." He said cutting her off. "Oh and Carlota, what happened in that room wasn't nothing. It was something and it was hurtful to me. In front of the twins we act as if nothing happened but when they're not around don't talk to me."

He walked into the bedroom leaving Carlota upset and confused.


Sorryyyyy, I reallyyyyyy didn't want to make them fight ever again but like, I didn't know how to write 15 more chapters of them being all lovey-dovey, yk?

At least this time I made it completely Carlota's fault. 

Updating Friday


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