- Chapter THREE -

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"I still don't like the idea of this." Lorenzo said looking outside.

"Think of it as a fun family road trip." Carlota smiled. "Girls, you like the family road trip, right?"

"Yes!" Marianna yelled.

"I don't like the road trip." Gabriella protested. "I don't want to drive all day."

"Well, you're being mean, Ella. I like the road trip mama." She smiled.

"Well, papa, I don't." She huffed.

Gabriella and Marianna always fought for Carlota and Lorenzo's approval since they were little. Marianna came out first and despite not knowing that, she acts the oldest even though Gabriella acts much more mature.

"No, Gabi. We're going on this road trip to visit Abuela. She told me she was sick and it was urgent. We have to visit her. Mari, tell her the story about the little red riding hood." Carlota lectured. [Spanish Translation: Grandma]

"When her Abuela was sick she had to go visit her." Marianna smiled.

"And she almost got eaten!" Gabriella exclaimed.

"Oh," Marianna said. "Mama, I don't want to get eaten. Let's go back home."

"Listen, girls. Little red riding hood had someone to protect her. And just like that, I'm going to protect you. Okay?" Lorenzo chirped in with a smile.

The girls kept quiet and began talking amongst themselves.

"Carlota, what if we see-."

"What? What if we see Landon? Landon King? The jack*ss that ruined my life? Don't worry, we're not going to see him." She laughed.

Lorenzo didn't understand why she was taking this so gently. She hadn't seen her mother in almost 3 years and it was to avoid Landon. Now she doesn't care? He didn't buy it.

"Okay, where are we staying?" He asked.

"Uh, that hotel that you stayed in with your mom. The one close to my mom's house." She explained, making a left.

"Okay, fine but if we run into Landon, I'm going to beat the sh*t out of him, okay?"

She smiled and slowed down the car. "Girls, we're here."


They entered the hotel and made their way to the reception.

"Mama, look! A swimming pool!" Marianna yelled running to the water fountain. "Ella come look, a swimming pool!" She sang.

She walked over to the water fountain and frowned. "This is too small, Anna. How will we all fit?" She spoke.

Marianna shrugged and put her feet into the fountain kicking around.

Carlota and Lorenzo smiled at the receptionist who was watching the girls make a mess. "I am so sorry. They're just excited." She smiled.

He slowly nodded his head. "How many beds?" He asked.

"Two. We're not staying long and-."

"Ah, here's the key." He fake smiled handing it to them. "We'll take your bags up. You'll be staying in room 69."

Carlota still hadn't let go of her humor and wanted to laugh. "69?" She confirmed, causing Lorenzo to laugh.

He rolled his eyes and walked away.

They got to their room and Marianna and Gabriella began jumping on their bed.

"Girls, must you?" Lorenzo asked, causing them to plop on the bed with a frown.

"Okay, it's 2. We can go visit my mom now. I'm going out to buy diapers so you're going to stay with them at my mom's house, okay?"

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I know." He smiled, kissing her forehead.

"Girls, put your shoes back on."


The nervous feeling was eating her up. She didn't know whether her mom would act kindly towards her. She knew she gave birth but she never mustered up the courage to say she gave birth to twins.

Finally, the door was opened by Yasmin who screamed and gave Carlota a big hug. "I've missed you so f*cking much!" She exclaimed, squeezing her sister.

She let go of the hug to give Lorenzo a warm smile. "And these must be the twin girls." She smiled going on her knees to look at them. "You look more like Carlota, I don't see Lorenzo in you two." She examined.

"No, they have my eyes." Lorenzo protested.

She rolled her eyes. "You know who I am, right?"

"You're our tia de paso." Gabriella said, feeling proud of herself for remembering. [Spanish Translation: Step-aunt]

"Yeah but you can just call me tia because tia de paso is way too long." She chuckled getting back on her feet. "I can't believe you fell for Camilla's acting. You know she just called you because she missed you?" Yasmin informed.

Her jaw dropped once she said that. "What?" She groaned, walking into the house. "Mama!" She yelled.

Camilla came out of the kitchen with CJ who was now 4 years old. "Hi, Carlota!" CJ said, running to give her a hug.

"Hi, CJ. CJ, as crazy as it sounds these are your nieces." She chuckled.

"You're our medio tio." Marianna said, beating Gabriella to it. "I remembered that because it's much easier." [Spanish Translation: Half-uncle]

"I missed you, me bebe. You actually left your poor mother all alone." She cried, hugging her daughter. "Why did you leave me?"

"Mom, we've established this when I left. I didn't want to be here anymore." She explained for the final time.

She huffed and looked at the two girls, looking at her. "Carlota, I think I'm actually going mad because I see two of them." She said, with much confusion.

"I didn't want to tell you to worry you even more but, I actually gave birth to twins." She smiled.

"So which one is which?" She asked, looking at both of them.

"Mom, it's so obvious. Mari has dimples and Gabi doesn't." She said in a duh tone.

"Both of you smile." She instructed, causing the two girls to laugh. "I'm sorry but I still don't see it." She shrugged, bending down to kiss her grandchildren.

"Where's Joey?" She asked.

"Buying food to cook for you." She said.

"Okay, I'll be back in 20 minutes." She kissed Lorenzo's cheek and walked out the door.


A nice little family reunion :)

Updating this Thursday!!!


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