- Chapter TWENTY TWO -

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"Thank you for letting us spend the night." Landon smiled.

"No problem. You should thank Carlota. She called me just before she fainted." Arabella explained. "But it wasn't a problem. Stephano loves the girls and we're basically family." She smiled back.

Arabella received a curt nod from him and walked away to go talk to Carlota.

"Let me give you some advice Landon. When you love someone you love them no matter what. You ignore their flaws and make them your number one priority. I don't know what happened between you and Carlota but I blame you. Carly's like a little sister to me so please don't f*ck with her." Vincenzo threatened.

Landon chuckled lightly. "Yeah, thanks, Vincenzo." He smiled. "Also, I'd like to ask. Do you honestly think Carlota and I are going to last?"

He thought about it then shook his head. "I'm not able to see the future, Landon. If you want it to last and she wants it to last then make it last." He advised.

"Thanks," He shrugged not knowing how to respond to that.

"Landon, we're ready to go." Carlota called out walking out with her children.


"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Gabriella and Marianna said in unison.

"No. That was the same response you received a minute ago. Just watch your movie on the Ipad." Carlota instructed.

They giggled at her annoyed face but still complied.

"Landon where are we going?" She asked him.

"I'll tell you when we get there. No one gets to know where we're going!" He announced, speeding the car up slightly.

She huffed. "Well, when are we going to arrive? We've been driving around for 5 hours."

"Yeah, but it's been a nice family road trip. Don't you think?" He grinned.

She shrugged and looked out the window. "When are we getting there?" She repeated.

"Oh, we're here." He said, stopping the car. "I think we'll look for a house tomorrow." He said, getting out of the car.

Carlota got out of the car and looked at the house they arrived at. It was small. Smaller than her parent's house. It made her slightly uncomfortable. It gave off a bad vibe and made her feel uneasy. "What is this place?" She asked, still looking at it.

"Uh, a house." He chuckled holding all the bags full of clothes they bought earlier today.

Marianna ran to the door and began knocking on it rapidly. "Hello!" She sang, knocking on it.

"Marianna, stop!" She ordered, pulling her away from the clearly dirty door. "What if that wasn't the house?"

"But it is." He said, knocking on the door twice.

"How can someone like you not afford a rich place for us to stay at?" She questioned.

He laughed. "Are you my sugar baby?"

She rolled her eyes. Sometimes she hated Landon's attitude when he was in a good mood.

The door opened to reveal someone Carlota hadn't seen in 3 and a half years. "No!" She yelled.

"Carly!" Carlota's dad said, hugging her. "I've really missed you, Carly." He cooed hugging her.

She groaned. "Why didn't you ever check up on me?" She asked, pushing away from him.

𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝'𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝟐 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now