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She sipped the tea which was supposed to be good for her but honestly tasted horrible. "I really don't like it." She shook her head, placing it down on the coffee table.

"You're not meant to like it. I read somewhere it helps you live longer." Aurora snapped, drinking more of it.

"Well, it still tastes like a*s." She retorted cringing at the taste. "Either that or you don't know how to make tea."

That comment earned a snicker from Yasmin and that snicker earned a light slap from Aurora.

"Anyway, we're thinking of adopting. I think I want a girl but Yasmin really wants a boy."

"Just get a boy and a girl. And maybe think of marriage first." Arabella chuckled.

"Oh, it's because you and Amelia are the only two married here." Yasmin scoffed.

Amelia rolled her eyes playfully looking down at her ring. "Carly, how's you and Landon? You have kids together and you're living together so it should be good, right?"

"Well," She sighed, but was cut off because of Landon entering the room. She looked at him with a confused face.

"Can you please come to my room?" He sighed, trying not to embarrass her in front of her friends for the second time.

The girls all make childlike sounds as Carlota made her way to Landon's room. Yes, Landon's room.

Carlota came to terms that everything in this apartment belonged to Landon, including the apartment itself.

She closed the door waiting for him to talk, which he didn't. "Landon, why did you request for me?"

He turned to look at her and gave her his phone. Carefully, she read the text messages between Elizabeth and him and jealousy began to rise.

"Oh great, you're talking to Elizabeth." She said, sarcastically handing him back the phone but he pushed it back.

"Read the recent conversation, Carlota." He demanded.

She read it and her jealousy turned into anger. She told Landon about the long rant I gave Isaac about how Landon isn't faithful. "Esa perra delator. Why is this her business?" [Spanish Translation: That snitching b*tch]

"Why the hell did you say those horrible things about me, Carlota? Couldn't you have been patient and waited for my anger to cool down? But no! You decided to open your legs for the next person to take care of your children." He complained.

"'Your children'? You're saying it as if they aren't yours."

"Yeah, well I was thinking about that. Carlota, there's no proof those children are mine. So what they slightly look like me, maybe I'm forcing myself to see something I want to see, but it's not there."

"I found out I was pregnant before I moved with Lorenzo. And we had sex so I could cover the fact and say they were your kids. They're your kids Landon, I swear."

He rolled his eyes, not believing her story. "Carlota, we can't keep doing this anymore. You're never going to be happy with me no matter what. You'll never trust me even though I've proven myself to you multiple times. You need to move out and go live somewhere else." He finalized.

Her mouth opened. "Landon don't you dare! Don't you dare make the same mistake you made 3 f*cking years ago! You regretted it and you're going to regret this because if you throw me out I promise I'll never forgive you this time!" She threatened, hitting his chest. "You want to leave me again," She whispered, looking down.

The heartache was forming again. She didn't know how many times she was going to go through this before she'd be happy. She hated being so vulnerable to Landon's charms. She wished she had self-control over herself with Landon.

"Why are you leaving me again, Landon. You said you loved me. Why?" She whimpered, falling to the ground, touching her stomach. "You want to leave me again?"

He didn't say anything. He just kept quiet watching her break down. She didn't deserve to be comforted, Carlota knew that, but she didn't want to just leave like this. Landon did love her after all.

"And now you're just going to watch me make a fool of myself. I was okay with taking accountability for my actions. I was fine without you cuddling me every night. I was fine with you facing the other way every night. I was fine with you going out and coming back in the morning. Landon, I was fine with these things because I love you."

There was a knock on the front door which gave Landon an excuse not to look at her. "They're back." He announced, walking out of the room and leaving her there.

A few glares were thrown at Landon from Aurora and Yasmin but he easily ignored them. He opened the door to see Vincenzo with 4 kids. Two of them supposedly being his.

"Thanks." He smiled, embracing Gabriella and Marianna for a hug.

"Landon, Stephano won't stop picking on Anna and it's not nice." She complained, holding her sister's hand.

"They're lying, Uncle. Both of them are lying on me." He whined, pointing at them.

"Stephano, stop pointing." Vincenzo said, walking into the house. He was holding Amelia's daughter, Dallas, who was only 2 years old.

Stephano ran to hug his mother and Dallas was carried over to Amelia.

"Landon, where's mama?" Gabriella asked.

"Yeah, where's Carlota?" Stephano grinned looking around for her.

Landon shrugged his shoulders, walked into his room, and locked the door.

Carlota was still on the floor, head in her knees, and crying. She hadn't even noticed him enter until his voice filled the room's silence.

"They're back, Carlota. Go clean your face up, say hi to your kids, and start packing your bags. Tonight's going to be your last night here." He ordered, causing her to cry even harder.


Aw, another fight.

I get Landon is mad but damn, At least he's faithful.

Updating Sunday


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