- Chapter FIFTEEN -

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Fascinated by how big Landon's apartment was, they began running around touching all his valuables.

It was bigger than Carlota had remembered. It also brought back bad memories.

"Don't worry, let's get their birthdays out of the way, and then we can move into a bigger house." He said, with a smile.

She nodded her head and looked back at Gabriella and Marianna who had already broken something. "Gabriella, Marianna, you just got here and you already broke-."

"It's fine, love. I'll just buy a new tv remote." He sighed, walking into his room.

She followed behind him. "Did you just call me love?" She confirmed with a grin on her face.

Love. She loved what he called her. She hated baby and babe unless they were in Spanish but she loved love. She remembered Landon did say he loved her again.

"Do you not want me to call you that again?" He asked, looking at her smile.

She shook her head and wrapped her arms around his torso. "No, no! I love it!"

"Okay, well as much as I'd like to stay up with those two, it's a little past their bedtime."

She nodded her head. "Where are they going to be sleeping?"

"I always assumed they'd share the guest room and you could sleep in my room. Because Annie doesn't like me in her room I'd take the couch, until-."

"No, no, no." She cut him off. "We can share a bed, Landon. I've forgiven you." She sighed.

He kissed her lips. "I love you, Carlota. And I promise to never leave you again."

She kissed him back. "I love you too, Landon. And I hope you keep that promise."


The door swung open while Carlota was under the counter attempting to make food.

"Landon? I brought a condom this time." A familiar voice called, causing her to hit her head on the marble counter.

She turned to the open space kitchen. "Landon if that's you avoiding me, it's getting childish. You know I hate all these games."

Carlota came out from the counter to shoot Elizabeth the best b*tch look she could muster.

"C-Carlota? I didn't know you were back in town again. For good? No, it doesn't matter." She trembled.

When it came to marking her territory no one would dare try and come for it. Carlota made Elizabeth scared, despite her being older than her. She never quite knew why but she was happy she was making her shake.

"Condom?" She asked, picking up the big wooden spoon on the table.

"No! You misheard me. I said-. Um, I said, Landon, I brought a problem this time." She smiled.

She rolled her eyes at her and dumped the pasta she was attempting to make for her family in the bin. "Do you want me to kill you?" She asked, walking towards her.

"No, I'll leave now. Uh, I'll tell Isaac you said hi, or not, bye." She rushed out, leaving Carlota to lock the door.

"He lied again. He never loved me." She whispered, allowing a tear to roll on her cheek. "And now I'm talking to myself." She chuckled, picking up her phone to call a pizza place.

Once she placed the order she looked at the clock to see they should be back in 25 minutes.

Just when they were starting to be a family Elizabeth came and ruined it. But it helped her to realize some people never change. Landon never changed for her.

Just because he started caring about Marianna and Gabriella didn't mean he was a different person.

She scowled herself for actually listening to her heart for the first time. She scowled herself for letting Landon heartbreak her for the second time.


Halfway in the book and I'm afraid this MIGHT be when actually weird crazy shit happens. I hope you'll still bear with me they DO get a happy ending.

Updating Wednesday


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