- Chapter TWO -

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She groaned as she saw her hair enter the mushy baby food. Gabriella looked up at her mother and laughed. "Of course you think it's funny." She sighed, cleaning her hair with the nearby towel.

She looked over to her 2nd daughter playing with her food. "No, Marianna. Food is for eating not for playing." She begged cleaning her up.

Lorenzo came into the house with his brother to see Carlota struggling with her children. "Okay, Dante and I will feed the girls, go clean yourself up." Lorenzo smiled, taking the spoon from her.

He pecked her lips before she walked into the bathroom inside their bedroom. Her clothes were a mess, her hair was a mess, her life was a mess. She never signed up for a child. And on top of that, she had twins. And girls go through periods, and early puberty so she couldn't win.

Growing tired of her hair, she grabbed the scissors and positioned it at the length she wanted gone. She didn't want it to be too short to the fact that she'd look bald.

She settled with a bob, long enough for her to do her regular hairstyles.

Once it was cut she began regretting her decisions. "I f*cking hate it. Dora the Explora looking a*s." She said to herself.

She noticed Dante watching her break down with a smirk on his lips. "Lorenzo did suggest abortion. He didn't plan to get you pregnant so soon." He spoke up walking behind her. "Personally I think short hair looks nice on you." He shrugged, bending down to whisper in her ear.

"What happened the last time Lorenzo caught you flirting with me?" She asked, moving him away.

"I'm not allowed to compliment you?" He asked with an innocent smile. He used the rubber band by the sink counter to tie her hair back allowing a few strands of hair to be tucked away behind her ear.

"I don't like it, Dante. I look horrible." She protested, wiping her tears. "And my life is horrible," She whispered.

"Hey, that's not true. You get to live with the coolest guys ever and you have twins with the second coolest guy. No offense but we could have made cuter babies."

Trying to force a laugh out she turned around to face him. "Actually, Dante, my children are absolutely beautiful without you." She smiled.

He playfully rolled his eyes. "Mari's my favourite."

"Wel, Gabi causes the least headaches, so I guess we've found my favourite." She said, walking back to her room. "I'm kidding. I love them both." She laughed.

She walked into the kitchen to Marianna and Gabriella finished with their food.

"Y-. You cut your hair?" Lorenzo asked, surprised.

For as long as he's known Carlota, she's always hated short hair. She loved her long rich hair so it shocked him when she cut it.

"No, Lorenzo. It's just short for no reason." She said, picking up Marianna. "And it's time for you two's bath.

She was about to pick Gabriella but Lorenzo beat her to it. "Dante, clean up for us." He said, walking away with Carlota.

"Yeah, sure. I'll clean up. I'll clean up everything." He sighed, picking up the bowls.

She dropped Marianna in the bathtub and Gabriella went in with her. They both began splashing in the water.

"I'm happy," Lorenzo spoke up causing her to look at him. "I'm happy that you chose me and we're living together with Dante and our two daughters." He smiled, earning a small smile from her.

"I'm happy too." She sighed, watching the two girls.


You guys were right!!!!!!!! Carly was pregnant bUt SHE HAD TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know why I decided to give her twins. I guess I just wanted her to have more problems, yk? And twins would be much more hectic.

I decided to post today because I don't have ANY exams tomorrow. Also, it's a public holiday. CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY MADE ME WRITE MATH AND ECONOMICS ON A PUBLIC HOLIDAY?????

At least I'm never math and econs again.

You'll get an update tomorrow I just thought you guys would like to see what Carlota's up to.


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