- Chapter FOUR -

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He picked up a few sanitary pads. "Why are tampons invented when I see no one buying them?" Tyson asked, causing Annie to laugh.

"Do you know how embarrassing it is having you buy me pads?" She asked, allowing her face to turn red.

He turned to smile at her. "Why is it embarrassing? At least now I'll know what you need if you're too sick to leave."

Looking down at her stomach, she nodded her head. "You're right. My cramps are literally the worst cramps in existence."

He dropped the right size in the shopping bag. "How are you coping now?"

"With two painkillers after every meal and a hot water bottle ready for me in the car."

"You've had 4 painkillers today?" He gasped.

She laughed at him. "Yeah, so? You get to criticize when you get periods. Okay?"

"Fair enough." He shrugged. "Is that everything?" He asked but realizes she's not paying attention.

His gaze followed hers and he noticed she was looking at a young woman buying baby diapers. "Who's that?" He asked.

Annie was still fixated on her, trying to figure out who she was staring at. Then she realized who it was. "Carlota?" She asked, in a whisper. "Oh my God, Carlota!"

"Wasn't that your brother's ex or something?"

"Yes and she's buying diapers. Landon must have gotten her pregnant and now she's-."

"That doesn't make sense Annie. You haven't seen her for almost 3 years, I'm pretty sure she's somewhere else by now. Maybe she just looks like her and I remember her having long hair."

"Yeah, you're right. Carlota hates short hair." She shrugged off. "And I hate her."

"You should." He smiled walking to the cash register.

When Landon came back Annie wanted to know everything that happened. So he told her a twisted version so she'd forget about her and never want her around.

It worked.

They got back home together to see Landon cooking. "What're you cooking?" She asked, walking over to him.

He smiled and hugged his sister. "I've missed you and I'm cooking pasta. The way you like it."

Annie smiled at her brother. She loved how he was no longer moody and he had finally gotten over Carlota. It was honestly about time.

"You won't guess who I saw at the supermarket today." She said sitting on the kitchen island next to Tyson. "Well, who I thought I saw."

"Tell me." He laughed, turning off the stove to sit opposite her.

"I thought I saw Carlota." She laughed.

The smile he was once wearing had disappeared and he froze. Annie's smile was starting to disappear and Tyson felt awkward, laughing.

"Isn't that funny, Landon? How we thought we saw Carlota? Buying diapers? But of course, it couldn't be here because she moved away, the woman had short hair."

He nodded his head and began serving them. "Yeah, that's a funny story." He said, forcing a laugh. "Let's eat before the food gets cold."


Landon put on a movie that was PG13 despite Annie being 17. She complained about wanting to watch a grown-up movie because Tyson had just turned 18 but he didn't allow it.

As he was washing out the plates his mind would slowly drift to Carlota and how they ended things. Then his mind drifted to the goodbye gift she bought for Annie where she explained everything to her from her side of the story without including the fact she was going away.

It was her very first makeup kit. Landon never told Annie about it, because after reading the card, the guilt of leaving Carlota began seeping in.

He tried not to blame himself because he never intended to fall in love with her. He never wanted to start going crazy for her. At first, he thought they were just going to hook up once in a while, how he and Elizabeth hook up once in a while after she left, but it stopped being like that.

It stopped after he started gaining feelings for her, after he told her secrets he wouldn't even tell Annie, after he heard the words 'I love you' come out of her mouth, and after those same words got stuck in his throat.

Landon was 27 now and he'd matured a lot since he was 24 and first met her.

'She's 23 now and if that was her buying diapers their child should be 3.'

He dropped the plate on the floor causing Annie and Tyson to turn around in shock.

"Landon, are you okay!?" She asked, rushing over to him.

"Stop!" She froze looking at him, eyes glued on the floor. "You're going to hurt yourself." He finished.

She realized she told her stop because of the glass. "Landon, please go on one of your walks you used to take to clear your head." She pleaded.

"Yeah, Annie and I will clean up the rest. It's no problem." Tyson smiled.

He nodded his head, went to his room to go put on shoes, and went on a walk.


Awwww the mention of her name causes this???

Updating Tomorrow!


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