- Chapter ELEVEN -

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"Is she sleeping?" He asked, pulling in front of Camilla's building.

Annie nodded her head. "Landon, what happened in there?" She asked, concerned.

He ignored her question for now and called Vincenzo. After the phone rang a few times he finally picked up. "Landon, when was the last time you called me?" He chuckled.

"I understand you're busy finding Lucia but I need you to do something for me." He said, looking outside the window.

"You seem stressed?"

"Yes, I am. I'm going to send the address. I need you to go there. A man by the name of Lorenzo, Carlota's ex. He might still be there, I don't know, just hurry there, find where he is, and kill him. I'm not going to kill him for Carlota's sake but I really need him dead." He instructed.

"Okay, I owe you for not letting you in on the mafia after all." He teased.

Landon dropped the phone and ran his hand through his hair. "Please tell me this is a horrible dream? I've just f*cked up Carlota's life once again." He sighed. "Knock on the door and tell Mrs. Santiago that we're bringing Carlota and Marianna and Gabriella."

"You already learned their names?" She smiled. "Are we going to sleep with them?"

"No, she should rest, without me finding a way to ruin it." He sighed.

They both got out of the car, Annie to knock on the front door, and Landon to carry the twins first.

Aurora opened the door, shocked and confused. "Who are you?" She asked, confused.

Aurora sees Landon and realized this must be his sister. She lets both of them in. "Landon, why are-."

"Take them." He said, giving one to Aurora and one to Annie.

Landon went back in the car to see Carlota already awake and touching her neck. He noticed it was slightly bruised.

Her eyes met his and she was scared. She witnessed Landon almost kill someone. She didn't care how horrible Lorenzo was. He was a nice person at the start.

"Landon, if Lorenzo dies, I'm never going to forgive you and I'll snitch to the police." She said, getting out of the other side of the car.

Anxiety formed and he remembered he told Vincenzo to kill him. He really didn't need another person haunting him from the dead.

Carlota made her way to the house while Landon tried calling Vincenzo but he wasn't picking up. He already got a bad feeling.

Landon made his way to the house to see Carlota resting on the couch. It was 6 in the morning and the girls were meant to be in Kindergarten in a few hours.

"Landon, are you staying?" Yasmin asked, walking down the stairs.

"No. When do your parents get back?" He asked, still looking at Carlota.

"A few hours. If I were you I'd pick Carlota up before they get here. She wouldn't want her parents to find out they're your kids or that something bad happened to them." She advised, putting a blanket over her body.

"Thanks." He muttered. "Annie let's go." He called out making her come downstairs.

"Thanks for having us." Annie said, walking out with her brother.


"I knew Lorenzo couldn't be that perfect. Turns out he's insane." She laughed, making Landon uneasy.

"Can you just get in the house, Annie?"

"Why aren't you coming?" She frowned.

"Because I told Vincenzo to kill Lorenzo and Carlota told me if he dies she'll never talk to me." He explained in one breath.

"I'm surprised you spoke about death so easily Landon. Who else have you killed?"

He froze. He never wanted to tell Annie because it would break her heart. "No one, get out, please."

She did as she was told and Landon drove off to Vincenzo's house.


Damn short chapter. Sorry.

I'll do a double update because I won't post till Friday.

I've got my school's enterprise day (Which is basically selling food in school to make profit that WE get to keep which will add to my Economics grade) and the school concert that I have to sing for (which will fry my vocal cords)

Also that's a little aesthetic I made of Carlota. Tell me what you think about it.


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