- Chapter TWENTY SEVEN -

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"How many times are you going to let yourself get hurt by Landon?" Yasmin asked.

Carlota ignored her words and continued looking out the window.

7 days away from Landon had seemed like 7 years. She missed him so much and she didn't even hate him for it. She was in the wrong.

Maybe they weren't his kids. Maybe they were Lorenzo's.

She brushed the thoughts away and convinced herself to believe Landon was the father of those kids. "I want to go see him again." She finally spoke up.

"You don't even know where he lives and didn't his old phone not get burned in the fire?" She asked.

Carlota sighed.

"And it's not like you can go to Harry's house. Landon moved out. Maybe the universe is trying to tell you to move on from Landon. And maybe Lorenzo was the better-."

"Don't say it, Yasmin. I do not want to hear those words exit your mouth. Landon is the father of all my children and I know that for sure. I had sex with Lorenzo after I found out I was pregnant with Landon's child. I know what I'm saying. And I am pregnant again."

"Maybe you should tell Camilla. You do know she still thinks those kids are Lorenzo's." Yasmin suggests, taking a left turn.

"That's why we're going to my mom's house, Yasmin. Try and keep up."

"Hey, Carlota? Who's the one who doesn't know who her baby daddies are?" Yasmin questioned, which earned a smirk from Aurora.

"Try not to be insensitive, Minny." Aurora teased.

Yasmin sighed and stopped the car. "If you call me Minny one more time, Aurora," She warned glaring at her.

Carlota smiled. "Yeah, Minny. Don't be insensitive."

"If I hear the name Minnny coming out of anyone's mouth, I'll shove a dildo down your throat." She threatened.

"Auntie Minny," Gabriella yawned. "Are we there yet?"

"Yes, we are." She smiled, at her niece.

"Oh so she gets to call you Minny but we don't," Aurora muttered, under her breath


"Hi, Mama." Carlota greeted, hugging her mother.

"Carlota, I've missed you. When was the last time you came to visit your mother? How was the twins' birthday?"

"I need to tell you something." She said in a whisper tone as everyone else came in. "But you can't freak out."

"What? You're pregnant again?" She joked, locking the door. "Girls you can go play in the playroom. All your spare toys are still there."

"Well, I am." She whispered, hiding her face due to shame.

A confused and then angry expression made its way to her face. "Gabi and Mari are going to have a different father? Well, I can't get mad. CJ is your half-brother and Yasmin is your step-sister." She shrugged, sitting down on the couch.

"Uh, Camilla, not exactly." Yasmin chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck.

She gave Yasmin a strange look and then looked at her daughter. "Are they all Landon's children?" She questioned, standing up.

"Mama, please. I told you not to freak out." She said, holding her hand and pulling her down. "Landon isn't a bad person."

"If he isn't a bad person and loves you so much then where the hell is he right now?" She asked.

Carlota shrugged and looked over her mother's shoulders. "I don't know. But it's not his fault. Lorenzo faked some DNA test and now he's convinced that they're his kids and law documents that he gets to see 'his kids' whenever he wants."

"How did your life turn out to be like this? You wanted to be a doctor Carlota. A doctor! You had a scholarship, perfect grades, everything. And you threw it all away for this Landon boy. Is it my fault for not raising you well? I didn't expect to be a grandmother at this age. I'm barely 50 years old." She cried.

A sigh was the only thing Carlota was able to muster up. She knew getting herself pregnant was going to ruin her chances of having a job. Especially if the father wasn't even around.

"What else aren't you not telling me, Carlota? What else are you hiding from me?" She asked, wiping her tears. "I want you to tell me everything. Are Landon and Lorenzo the only people you've had sex with?"

She thought about lying but it was about time she stopped breaking her mother's heart. "No. Landon and Lorenzo aren't the only people I've slept with. I lost my virginity when I was 17 to Lorenzo and when we broke up I hooked up with 2 other men. Landon is the father of Gabi and Mari and because of that I moved with Lorenzo."

"I'm sorry that you have to hear your daughter is a wh*re." She finished off, looking at the coffee table.

Yasmin and Aurora sat there in silence not knowing what to say.

"I want to slap you, Carlota. I really want to punish you for everything you've done," She said, her anger boiling.

"But I love you and I'd be a hypocrite if I did. I gave birth to you before your father and I got married. The only reason we rushed into things was because of you and it was a mistake. Thank you for telling me that, Carlota. It shows that after all this time you finally trust me. Never keep anything away from me again."

A huge smile spread across her lips and she embraced her mother for a hug. "I love you and I'm sorry for disappointing you." She whispered.

"It's fine, mi bebe. I love you, too."


I wanted the final scene of Camilla to be a happy one because I actually like her. She deserved to know the truth.

Sorry if this chapter felt a little uneventful.

I also added Aurora here!

Updating Friday


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