"Kurapika. Im faster, hand me the knife." You suggested. Kurapika then nodded and threw the knife over to you. 'This'll be more effective if I use Shu.' You thought.

Then, you tried to use Shu. Only to find out that... You cant. It just wasn't working for some reason. 'Why can't I-? Whatever. It doesn't matter.' You thought.

Then, at top speeds, you ran at Tserriednich. He then used his Future sight along with his portals to redirect your attack to the ground.

Then, he noticed something off about his abilities. They were slightly harder to use. The change was very minuscule, so he didn't pay any mind to it. And thought that he off focused a bit.

Then, he punched you away through his portals. Kurapika managed to bind him with his chains. Though he's struggling to keep him chained.

Seeing an opportunity arise, you immediately ran at Tserriednich and slashed him multiple times.

Then, after a few seconds, Tserriednich breaks free and jumps back. 'What the hell happened?' Tserriednich thought confused.

Tserriednich then tried to use his Future sight. Only to notice that it was even weaker than before. Instead of being able to see 10 seconds into the future, he could only see 6 seconds.

With each cut that the Knife landed, The nen abilities of the victim would permanently get weaker.

But... It was like a double edge sword. Having some devastating downsides to wielding it.

'That knife must be screwing with my Nen in some way. I'll have to get it out of his hands somehow.' Tserriednich thought. Then, Tserriednich hit your arm, causing way more damage than normal, causing you to drop it.

'Shit! Why did that hurt so much?!' You thought confused. Then, Tserriednich tried to go for the knife. But you kicked him in the face before he could reach it.

Kurapika then started to fight with him, leaving you to think to yourself.

'Why did that hurt so much? Did create an ability revolving around enhancement?' You thought. 'No, even so, I still should've taken little damage from the hit... So why?' You thought.

Then, you looked at your arm. Noting that it was broken. Then, you looked at the knife. 'The knife... Did it cause this?' You thought.

Then, you gripped the knife a bit. You then tried to bring out your Nen, only to see that you couldn't. 'I can't use Nen... Did the knife... Put me into a state of Zetsu?' You thought confused.

Then, you let go of the knife and try to bring out your Nen again. Which you were able to just find. 'It is the knife!' You thought.

'Is using this even safe? If he hits me with a Nen enhanced punch or something, Im done for!' You thought. 'I'd essentially be swimming in the bottom of the ocean but without a submarine. It just wouldn't work!' You thought.

'But still... This knife is immensely useful. So...' You thought as you picked it back up. 'Im already risking my life by being in this hellish landscape, so what's the harm?' You thought, deciding to use the knife.

Then, you used your raw physical strength to run at Tserriednich. Noticing this, Kurapika kicks Tserriednich toward you.

Then, you slashed him in the leg with the Knife. Lowering his Future sight from 6 seconds to 5. And making his portals smaller. 'Dammit. At this rate, Im gonna lose!' Tserriednich thought.

Tserriednich then jumped away. "Kurapika. I have news." You started. "Let's hear it." Kurapika said.

"I believe that this Knife weakens the Nen abilities of whoever it cuts. The downside is that it puts me in a state of Zetsu." You whispered to him. "So basically, Im fighting without Nen." You finished, leaving him surprised.

"Get rid of it. Using that is too dangerous in a fight like this!" Kurapika whisper shouted at you. "I'll be fine. I have the physical strength to compensate." You said.

"Anyway, New Strategy: You bind him with your chains for as long as you can, and I cut him as many times as possible. Rinse, Repeat, we win." You said. "Right." Kurapika responded.

'If they want to use the surroundings to their advantage, then I will too." Tserriednich thought as he looked around, trying to find an item. 'Dammit. How come they get so lucky?' Tserriednich thought.

Then, he found an unknown figure sitting on the shoreline. 'Is that some kind of creature? Doesn't look aggressive...' Tserriednich thought.

'It'll work!' Tserriednich thought as he ran at the figure. "What's he doing?" You asked confused.

"He's gonna use that creature to try and kill us!" Kurapika shouted. Then, you and Kurapika ran at him, trying to cut him off.

The figure then turned around and looked at Tserriednich, and then looked back at the Ocean.

Then, Tserriednich suddenly fell to the ground, making You and Kurapika stop in place.

You and Kurapika then looked at Tserriednich, only to see him dead. And with gray hair.

"What... What the hell just happened?" You asked, massively confused by Tserriednichs abrupt death.

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