Chapter 19

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The coldness that you displayed when you answered the Question scared Kurapika a little. 'This guy... The coldness that he can exude is frightening...' Kurapika thought.

Then, Woble started to cry. Immediately breaking the silence. "Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to do that!" You shouted, thinking you caused this. 'But he's able to switch his mood at the drop of a hat...' Kurapika thought.

"No, No, it's fine. She's just hungry." Oito said reassuringly. "Oh... Okay!" You responded.

"Well... Anyway, why were you so serious when you answered? You kinda scared me a bit." Kurapika said. "I was?" You asked. "Sorry..." You added.

"Anyway, where were we?" You asked.

-Timeskip 1 week-

It's been a long week. For starters, 4 more princes have died. Leaving 6 alive. And things have gotten a bit chaotic on The Black Whale.

Firstly, Tserriednich is becoming a bigger problem. And no one has seemed to take notice. He has nearly perfected his Parallel Future. So, he decided to work on another ability.

That's where he discovered his 2nd Nen Beast. Having the ability to open portals. He would use this in conjunction with his Parallel Future to be nigh untouchable.

The only real weakness of this Portal ability was that you have to have good reflexes to open it and redirect attacks. But if you can see the future, that weakness is void.

Also, You've had a few encounters with the Zodiacs and Beyond. They tried to speak with you on multiple occasions, but you just kinda just brushed them off.

You particularly didn't really like Beyond. He just gave you that "Eugh" feeling. So you were a bit passive-aggressive when it came to him.

So, seeing that you weren't really a fan of them, the Zodiacs decided to leave you alone.

You have also been hanging with Linnet and Zzigg. Making your friendship grow stronger. So strong, that you three promised each other that if there was a threat that one of them couldn't handle, that they would all come together and help each other deal with that threat. Forming an unstoppable trio.

And as for Japan, things haven't calmed down at all. The deaths of several Class 1A students and you're disappearance have pissed off the citizens and media. Let's see how they're doing.

"Nezu, This situation is getting out of hand. We NEED to get Y/n to come back." Aizawa said. "We can't. Not only does he not have any communication, but from where he is right now, he couldn't just come back even if he wanted to." Nezu responded.

"And why is that?" Midnight asked. "Because as we speak, he's still currently heading to his destination." Nezu responded, shocking the teachers.

"You mean he isn't even at the place he's going yet?!" All Might asked. "Yes." Nezu said.

Then, All Might sighed. "Did he tell you where he was going and how he's getting there?" All Might asked. "We could ask the government to send a helicopter to pick him up." Midnight added.

"To answer these questions in order... Yes to both, and No." Nezu said. "Then tell us." Aizawa said.

"Alright, it's gonna be a long story, so get comfy." Nezu said. Then, he proceeded to explain everything about the Dark Continent, The Black Whale 1, and Kurapika. "Nezu... Why did you think it was a good idea to send our strongest student to a dangerous place like that?" Aizawa asked.

"Honestly, The moment I agreed to send him there, I regretted it." Nezu said. "But think of how much humanity would benefit once Y/n comes back." Nezu said.

"That's only if he successfully manages to survive the Dark Continent and bring back the items undamaged." Aizawa retorted. "You may think that this is beneficial, but you've just put Y/n in serious danger." All Might said.

Then, Nezu sighed. "How about this, If Y/n doesn't return after 3 months, then we will assume that he is dead. If that's the case, I will resign from my position as Principal." Nezu said, making a bet.

"Hey, Kurapika, what exactly are your Nen abilities?" You asked. "Oh? Have I not told you?" Kurapika asked. "I don't think so. But just in case, tell me." You responded.

Then, he proceeded to explain his chains and Emperor Time.

"What the hell? Why would you make an ability that slowly kills you?" You asked concerned. "It gives me the strength to get my revenge, and also the ability to survive this trip." Kurapika said.

"Think about it, what do you think would happen if I never hired you?" Kurapika asked. "I, not only would be by myself, but I would also be forced to constantly use Emperor Time to stand a chance of survival." Kurapika said.

"And by the time we reach the Dark Continent, I would either be dead, or have my lifespan be so minuscule that I would die soon anyway." Kurapika said. "Well, I guess I get it. I did say I would sacrifice everything if my loved ones were killed by someone." You said while shrugging.

"Also, stealing peoples Nen abilities? That's pretty impressive." You said. "But the fact that you can keep up with and remember all of your abilities and their weaknesses is even more impressive." You added.

"Nen really is amazing... The more I learn, the more powerful I can become." Tserriednich said. "At this point, I won't just rule the Empire... I'll rule the world!" Tserriednich said to himself.

"Although... I'm still not confident enough to go and fight Y/n. Portals and Future Sight will help me against any decently strong Nen users, but he's a different case." Tserriednich said to himself. "If I remember correctly, we have 1 week until we the Dark Continent. Once I arrive, I'll try and kill him there." Tserriednich said.

Unbeknownst to him, Theta was listening in with Zetsu activated. 'That's it! Why didn't I just think of that earlier?!' Theta thought. 'I'll just get the strongest Nen user on the ship, tell them about the Threat Tserriednich poses, and try to convince them to kill him!' Theta thought.

Then, she proceeded to walk away as quietly and stealthy as possible. 'I have to find him, I have to. There are no other options!' Theta thought.

Then, Tserriednich suddenly whipped his head toward where Theta was spying on him from. He then sighs in disappointment. "Looks like I shouldn't have trusted you. You lying bitch." Tserriednich said, using his future sight to figure out exactly what she was planning.

Tserriednich then proceeded to follow after her. Intending on stealthily killing her and moving on with his life.

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