Chapter 6

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"Boss, are you sure you want to do this? What if they spout off about our abilities?" Nobunaga asked Chrollo. "I'm sure. I'm confident that they won't say anything. Also, this'll be for the better. Trust me." Chrollo answered.

"What if they won't wanna leave?" Phinks asked. "I don't know, I guess I'll try to think of something while talking to them." Chrollo answered.

"Boss, I have to ask, why would you go this far just to get them out? They'll probably hate you forever you know.' Nobunaga asked. "Well, They've reached the age where they can make their own decisions. Besides, I want them to have a nice life." Chrollo said.

"I'd rather them not be with a bunch of villains for the rest of their lives. It wouldn't sit right with me." Chrollo said. "I understand." Nobunaga answered.

"I'm gonna miss them." Chrollo said as he got out his phone and called Machi and Shizuku.

"Hmm? It's the boss. Wonder what he wants." Machi said as he answered the phone. "What is it?" Machi asked. "Huh? Okay..." Machi said as she hung up the phone.

"What did he say?" Shizuku asked. "He said he wanted us to come back to the hideout. Though he won't say why." Machi answered. "Oh. It's probably some mission or something. Let's go." Shizuku said.

Then, they arrive at the hideout.

"Hey, why wouldn't you say anything over the phone?" Machi asked. "Because... It'd be better to say this in person." Chrollo said ad he cleared his throat.

"From this day forward, You and Machi will never associate with the Troupe again." Chrollo said. Making the entire room go silent.

Machi and Shizuku were completely caught off guard by this order. Out of the millions of things, Chrollo could've said, this was the one thing they never thought they would ever hear.

"Uh... Boss, it's not April yet... You're a bit late on that prank there." Machi said. "Yeah, you had me going for a second there." Shizuku said.

"Im serious." Chrollo said, surprising them. "What the hell do you mean you're serious? We were basically raised here, so why are we leaving?" Machi asked, not wanting to leave. "Im curious as well, did we do anything wrong?" Shizuku asked.

"No, you didn't." Chrollo answered. "So why?!" Machi shouted. "Because I don't want you to spend the rest of your lives with us." Chrollo said. "I also planned to kick you out when you reached 15 ever since we decided to raise you." Chrollo added.

"That boy you met when you were 9? I want you two to go live with him at UA." Chrollo said. "I- we love him, sure, but you guys are like family to us, so we can't just leave!" Machi shouted.

"How about this:" Chrollo said as he got up, making the other members get up. "If you don't leave, we'll kill you." Chrollo threatened, shocking them.

"Now, go live with Y/n, at UA." Chrollo said more sternly. "After everything, you kick us out so abruptly..." Machi said was tearing up. "You bastard." Shizuku added as she and her left.

"Trust me... This is hard for us too." Chrollo whispered while crying.

The mood of the other Troupe members has also worsened. After seeing that the 2 members that they've known since Day 1 despise them, made them very sad.

But at the end of the day, it was for the better. And bring hated was just the cost.

"Wait, how are they gonna get in UA?" Nobunaga asked. "Well, Im gonna turn me in in exchange for them." Chrollo answered, shocking the other members.

"Dont worry, I won't turn my actual self in. I'll be using a handy ability I stole." Chrollo said as he activated bandits secret.

Then, he turned through the pages until he landed on an ability called "Double Life." Then, he activated this ability, shocking the other members.

LURKING (Malereader X Bnha) [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें